Young love

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Sherlock, can I tell you something? - JW

Sure, what is it? - SH

I don't want this to ruin our friendship but if you don't want to be friends with me after this then I totally understand - JW

Just spit it out, John - SH

Do you want to go out with me? - JW

Go out with you? - SH

As in you would be my boyfriend and I would be yours - JW

I know what going out means, John. I'm just shocked you would ask me - SH

I'll take that as a no then - JW

Well, I didn't say no - SH

So, what are you saying? - JW

I'm saying yes but on one condition - SH

What condition? - JW

That I tell you something first and then we either get together or we go our separate ways - SH

I'm sure whatever you'll tell me won't be that bad that we have to go our separate ways - JW

Well, we'll see - SH

I have known this for a while, even before I met you. I'm still Sherlock. I'm still the weird, anxious boy you first met but I'm a transgender man - SH

So, you're a boy? - JW

Yes, I'm still a boy - SH

Okay, thanks for letting me know. That going out offer is still on the table by the way - JW

Really? This seriously doesn't change anything? - SH

No, not really - JW

So, you're not going to ask me any weird questions about my body or anything - SH

No, I don't think that would be necessary. That information is private to you and I wouldn't invade your privacy like that - JW

I mean, you wouldn't ask me what's in my pants so why should I ask you. Whatever you look like, doesn't make you any less of a boy, and a handsome boy at that - JW

Thank you, John - SH

You're welcome but I really didn't do anything - JW

Just for being your amazingly gorgeous self - SH

Well, get use to it. You'll be seeing this amazingly gorgeous face more often - JW

I think I could get use to that - SH

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