No, I love you more

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No, I love you more - JW

No, I love you more - SH

No, I love you more - JW

John, don't be silly. I love you more - SH

I'm not being a silly billy. I love you more - JW

[Greg was added to the chat]

Do you see what I'm talking about? This has been going on for a hour. Can you stop them? - MH

Leave them alone. I think they're being adorable - GL

There's nothing adorable about this, Gregory - MH

Of course there is! They're just two men in love. What's so bad about that? - GL

You know very well I didn't mean it like that - MH

You sure? - GL

I don't want to have to state the obvious but I'm literally married to a man - MH

And is he a handsome man? - GL

Gregory, really? - MH

What? - GL

You know what you're doing - MH

I have no idea what you're talking about, Myc - GL

Fine, he's a very handsome man - MH

Generous? - GL

Yes - MH

Smart? - GL

Now you're just pushing your luck - MH

Hey! - GL

Because if you were smart then you would have realised I already think all those things and more about you. I love you, my love - MH

I love you too, babe - GL

No, I love John more - SH

No, I love Sherlock more - JW

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