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I know we haven't had a date night in a while so do you want to go on one? - SH

I would love to! - JW

To a nightclub? - SH

Sherlock, we're not exactly in our 20s anymore - JW

So? - SH

I don't think we really belong in a nightclub anymore. I definitely know that my knees would be killing me in the morning if I tried to attempt anything I did in my 20s - JW

Anyway, I thought you don't like nightclubs as they can be quite loud - JW

Yeah, well, I can always wear my ear defenders - SH

This is for a case, isn't it? - JW

Maybe - SH

Sherlock, we've talked about this - JW

Talked about what? - SH

Don't act dumb, Sherlock - JW

I don't know what you're on about, John - SH

You know, when I told you about if you wanted me to go on a case with you then you just had to ask me without lying about some kind of "date night" - JW

You're a brilliant and beautiful man, Sherlock, so you don't need to make up some kind of "date night" just for me to want to be with you, you know that, right? - JW

Right. Now I remember - SH

Of course you choose to remember after I compliment you - JW

Well, yes, I just told you that I only remembered now - SH

I was being sarcastic - JW

Right - SH

So, will you come with me? - SH

Alright, when I come home then we'll go out on this case of yours. Afterwards, you can buy the first round though - JW

I thought you were with me for more than I could offer you financially - SH

You know what I meant - JW

No, I didn't - SH

I know I said I don't mind going out with you but if we're going to a nightclub, I want to at least get a bit tipsy to make myself feel less uncomfortable cause no-one wants to see a 40 year old man trying to dance at a nightclub - JW

I was being sarcastic - SH

Right. I don't think you know how sarcasm works, babe - JW

Well, at least I know one thing for sure right now - SH

What's that then? - JW

That I love you - SH

I thought you were going to say something you discovered about the case then - JW

John, you're always my number one priority - SH

Jesus, Sherlock, stop trying to make me blush - JW

You've never complained about that before ;) - SH

Ok, well, now the cab driver's looking at me - JW

Good :) - SH

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