Glowsticks :)

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Sherlock, you've got a package - JW

Who from? - SH

Amazon - JW

Perfect - SH

What did you buy this time? - JW

Glowsticks for Rosie's party - SH

That sounds lovely. Bring the package upstairs and you can open it with Rosie - JW

What was her reaction? - JW

She's ecstatic but you might not be becuase I may have made a mistake - SH

What did you do? - JW

I read 200 glowsticks as 20 glowsticks and now her whole bedroom floor is full of glowsticks - SH

200?! How did you read 200 as 20? - JW

I'm not sure - SH

Just tell me how much it cost - JW

£20 - SH

That's not too bad - JW

Yes but the amount of mess she's created is definitely bad. I think some leaked onto the carpet - SH

Jesus, Sherlock. You're cleaning that up - JW

Why me? You're the one who told me to open it upstairs with her - SH

You're the one who bought 200 of them in the first place - JW

Touché. I'll clean it up - SH

Thank you, babe - JW

You're welcome, darling - SH

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