I like like you

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Do you like like me? - GL

To avoid using child-ish language, yes, I love you - MH

That's bad - GL

Why is that bad? - MH

Becuase I like like someone else - GL

Oh, well, do they 'like like' you back? - MH

I'd hope so, we've been together for a long time. Like a long long long long long time - GL

Who is this lover of yours? - MH

Mycroft Holmes - GL

Gregroy, are you drunk? - MH

Definbly not - GL

Definbly? - MH

Shut up, I'm drunk. You can't tease me when I'm drunk - GL

I thought so because, Gregory, I'm Mycroft Holmes - MH

Really? - GL

Yes - MH

That's good then - GL

I'm just glad you're not cheating on me - MH

Certainly not. I love you too much - GL

Don't you mean 'definbly not' - MH

Shut up - GL

There's a black car outside waiting for you and Doctor Watson, please use it - MH

Also, don't worry, I love you too much too - MH

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