When life gives you eggs

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Inspired by the line "When life gives you egg make an omelet" from Something Rotten. Also, if you haven't seen Something Rotten then you can watch it on YouTube under the title "tap dancing eggs".
~ Rhys

Well, you know what they say. When life gives you eggs make lemonade - GL

I don't think that's the saying - MH

Oh, yeah. Let me try it again. Pretend that never happen - GL

Alright - MH

Well, you know what they say. When life gives you lemons make an omelet - GL

Not even close. I can't tell if you're joking or not - MH

Give me one more chance. Again, pretend that never happen - GL

Alright. That never happened - MH

Well, you know what they say - GL

What do they say, my darling? - MH

When life gives you eggs make an omelet - GL

That's not the saying I thought you were going to say but I love it anyway. Thank you for the advice, Gregory - MH

What did you think I was going to say? You're welcome, Mycroft - GL

The saying about when life gives you lemons make lemonade - MH

Oh. No. I don't like lemonade - GL

You don't like lemonade! - MH

No, I've never really liked lemonade - GL

But everybody likes lemonade - MH

Everybody but me - GL

That's got to be the worse crime of the century - MH

You think me not liking lemonade is a worse crime that some of the criminal's crimes you deal with on a daily basis - GL

Absolutely! - MH

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