Relationship struggles

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How did you know Papa was the one? - Rosie

Bit of a heavy question, darling - JW

Sorry, dad - Rosie

What's on your mind? - JW

Nothing. What's on yours? - Rosie

We're not starting this. Don't pull a Sherlock on me. We talk about our feelings in this household - JW

I'm no longer in a relationship - Rosie

I'm sorry she broke up with you - JW

I broke up with her - Rosie

Well, we agreed to be on a break - JW

Ok. You're going to be ok - JW

We'll make it work, we always have - Rosie

You better do, I was starting to like Eva - JW

Thanks dad for being on my side here - Rosie

I'm just trying to say that it's going to be okay - JW

Is it though? - Rosie

Well, you know what I think about breaks - JW

Says the one who jumped on his boyfriend as soon as he came back after 2 years - Rosie

That was different and he wasn't my boyfriend then - JW

Wait, what?! You weren't together then. My whole life is a lie!! - Rosie

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