Dinner? Starving

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Are you ready for your appointment? - SH

What appointment? - JW

For your professional coiffure - SH

My what? - JW

Haircut? Hairstyling? Whatever you want to call it - SH

I thought my hair looked nice - JW

It does but don't you want it to look nicer - SH

Not really. Why? Don't you like it? - JW

I like your hair. It's just that I've already paid for it now. Well, I haven't but Mycroft has and he'll be mad if you waste this opportunity - SH

Alright. Fine but what's you're obsession with me changing my appearance today? You've made me go for a suit fitting, jewellery shopping and now this! - JW

I want to take you on a date - SH

And you couldn't just have asked me? - JW

Well, I didn't know how you would react - SH

Becuase changing how I look to make me think that you hate some of the things I'm already insecure about would definitely make me react well - JW

John, please don't be mad. I just thought that if you looked good, you'd be happier and more confident so you wouldn't be as harsh to me during the rejection process - SH

I wouldn't reject you. I love you just as you are and I just hoped that you loved me as I am instead of wanting to change me - JW

I do love you how you are. I'm sorry, John. I've muddled this up. Let me start again, please - SH

Did you just say please? Wow, you must really be desperate to want to have another chance to love someone like me - JW

Yes because I'm desperately and hopelessly in love with you. I've loved you since we first met even though I didn't know it yet. I love you, John. I love you. I love you so so much - SH

Alright. I'll let you start again - JW

John? - SH

Yes, Sherlock? - JW

Do you want to go on a date with me? - SH

Will you let me wear what I want? - JW

Yes - SH

Then I would love to go on a date with you - JW

Yes! Dinner? - SH

Starving - JW

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