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Based off of the Friends eposide where Joey and Rachel know that Monica an Chandler are together but they don't know that the other person knows
~ Rhys <3

So, what's the thing that you know? - GL

I can't tell you - MH

But if I found out on my own then it would be fine, right? - GL

Yes because it wouldn't be a secret then - MH

So, do you want me to go to John and Sherlock's flat to get the information about the solved case that I need? - GL

You sure you want to go there right now? - MH

Do you know something? - GL

Do you know something? - MH

I might know something - GL

I might know something too - MH

What's the thing that you know? - GL

I can't tell you until you tell me the thing that you know - MH

Well, I can't tell you what I know - GL

Then I can't tell you what I know - MH

Okay then, I don't care - GL

What if I were going to go into their flat and see if the thing that I know is actually the thing that I know - MH

You know! - GL

And you know! - MH

Of course, I know! - GL

Sherlock and John? - MH

Yes, Sherlock and John - GL

How long have you known? - MH

Too long! I've been dying to talk to someone about this - GL

But you can't tell anyone about this - MH

I know - GL

**real life**
[Molly enters the room]

Hey, Molly - GL

Yes, hello, Molly. I didn't see you there - MH

So, what are you smiling about? - Molly

Just about how we're going to go out - GL

But it's raining - Molly

Just a walk in the rain - GL

Yup - MH

Umm... Okay then, have fun! - Molly

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