14. New Beginnings

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Morning rays came at their pace, lighting up the whole sky with its unique warmth. Sun shone brightly adorning the blue sky. Although it was a rare occasion for sun making its appearance proudly on December mornings in Aylesford. However, today was different. Beginning of something new, something beautiful.

Jungkook stood in front of his mirror, staring at his reflection. For the first time in his life he felt the need to dress himself carefully. Without a knock the door of his room opened. He did not look back to see who it was because he knows the person.

"Before I have my breakfast I want the morning tea." Jimin said excitingly.

"What are you implying?" Jungkook smiled blushing.

"Oh dear heavens look at the glow." Jimin poked younger's cheek.

"Please Jimin." Jungkook smiled he sat by the bed and told Jimin everything. Along with the Sohee's visit in Viscount's room. Jimin's heart clenched in his chest after listening to all this. He did not expect Sohee to go this far. Well love makes us all fool.

"I feel guilty Jimin. I feel like I am betraying my sister." Jungkook finished.

"Look Jungkook. Taehyung clearly told her that he does not have feelings for her. His heart and soul belongs to you. However, she is still determined so it is her choice. You are also making a huge sacrifice for your sister's happiness and viscount's dignity. Do you not see that?" Jimin said and Jungkook sighed.

"So cherish a little happiness that life is granting you." Jimin smiled at his childhood friend. A servant came and announced that they have been summoned for breakfast.


Jungkook sat across the viscount at the table beside Jimin. For everyone it was just another morning but for them both it was special. Only if you could see the pink hue at adorned their cheeks. Jungkook was so flushed that he could not make eye contact with viscount but that did not keep him from stealing glance of his handsome lover.

After breakfast everyone was retired to their rooms. Taehyung got ready to leave. Minhi announced the carriages are ready to leave. Before he could approach for the main entrance. His feet took him towards Jungkook's room. He clouds clearly hear the laughing sound coming from the room. He knocked and after a few seconds someone opened the door. It was Jimin. Which was enough to make Taehyung angry.

"My Lord please." Jimin stood aside to let him in.

Jungkook jumped from his bed standing straight. He was not expecting the visit.

"Please excuse me my lord, I shall retire." Taehyung nodded and Jimin left the room.

"I had this impression that you will come to see me off. But I see that you had other engagements." Taehyung's voice was cold.

Jungkook could not help but smile at viscount's jealousy, "I beg your pardon my lord. I was not aware that you will be leaving this early." Jungkook moved forward to where Taehyung was standing. "Please stay my lord. Furthermore, you must not worry about Jimin, he is a brother to me and he thinks the same of me. His interests do not align with yours." Jungkook's eyes were shining.

Taehyung closed their distance and caressed younger's cheek. "That is a relief. I am afraid that I cannot grant you request for stay. There are matters that need my attention. You shall visit me in evening. Can you do that for me?"

"Anything for you my lord." Jungkook smiled.

"Also can you accompany me to hunt tomorrow morning?"

"I beg your pardon my lord. Tomorrow is Sunday morning. I have to visit church."

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