39. Tainted Name

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Two weeks later...........

With each passing day, Jungkook was getting better. Taehyung visited him each evening before returning to his mansion. Most of the time on his way in or out he encountered Sohee. A few times she barged into Jungkook's room without informing or permission. However, both of them were cautious, while spending time together in Jungkook's room.

Watching Sohee's behavior Taehyung was frustrated. He knew if she continued being this clingy in the future then it might cause distance between him and Jungkook. So he was thinking about how to solve this problem in the future. He was not a bit interested in staying with Sohee, more than it was needed. The viscount was so invested in solving this problem that he did not notice what was going on around him.

Whenever he was at the site or any public place, people will gaze at him. The same was happening with Jungkook but unlike the viscount, he noted that. Especially when he was with Taehyung. Due to his health, they did not go together as much as before. However, even though those two or three times they went together, he noted how people looked at them.

Three days ago when he was accompanying Taehyung and Mr. Lee for the termly tax collection, he noticed how mothers dragged their kids away from him, making an excuse. It has never happened before. Everyone in Aylesford used to love him. He was kind to everyone. He was not sure what he did to offend the commoners like this.

Jungkook was sensitive so he could detect the slightest change in others' behavior towards him and it disturbed him. Whenever he was away from Aylesford on a business trip with his father, he made sure that someone deliver food and stuff for children in the church orphanage on Sundays. Because he knew how those poor souls waited a whole week for him and he did not want to disappoint them.

"My love are you free this afternoon," Taehyung spoke near his ear bringing him back to the present moment. Jungkook almost dropped the cup he was holding.

It was almost noon and they both were supervising the ongoing work. Mr. Lee and Jimin were also there. Jimin rarely visited there to keep his friend company when Taehyung mostly stayed busy with workers and people. Right now they discussed the last patch of the river that was due for bank renovation.

"I am not a viscount, so why would be busy?" Jungkook scoffed, as from the past few days he noted how Tahyung was busy. He often was absent from the site.

"I want to show you something then," Taehyung smirked.

"And what might be that?"

"You will see," Taehyung whispered lowly.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to do this? Jungkook sighed.

"Do what love?" Taehyung's lips almost touched his ear lobe.

"This whispering. We are not alone."

"Sorry, gorgeous." Taehyung still whispered.

"Taehyung I swear... I......" Jungkook shouted making Jimin and Mr. Lee turned towards them. Jungkook was shaken after realizing that he just shouted Viscount's name.

"I am sorry my lord I didn't mean to....." Jungkook mumbled covering up his mistake. Well, it was not his mistake Taehyung was teasing him so it was bound to happen.

Jimin did not bother because he knew. Mr. Lee smiled and turned again to the papers he was working on. He was not blind to see the young love blooming in front of his eyes. However, he chose to stay quiet despite knowing the truth. He just wished viscount to be happy.

He had witnessed how broken Taehyung was when the poor boy lost his father. He was metaphorically dead inside. Since Jungkook came into his life, Mr. Lee witnessed the old Taehyung back, who used to joke around with him. So, Mr. Lee had no objection to their relationship.

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