43.Follow Your Heart

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Jimin convinced lady Jeon that he did not know what happened or if the rumors were baseless. Because he needed to gain her trust for seeing his friend. Lady Jeon begged him to talk some sense into Jungkook who in her eyes was now a lost cause.

Jimin hardly managed to gain her trust promising her that he would make Jungkook understand. After two hours of useless talk, she allowed him to visit Jungkook.

"Jimin" Jungkook ran towards him as Jimin embraced him in his arms.

Jungkook broke down and cried his heart out in Jimin's arms. The elder tried to pat his back to calm him down. He could understand what Jungkook was going through.

"Jimin why did this happen to me, all I did was love. Is it a sin?"

"No, it's not. Please stop crying."

"I was happy..... I was grateful for even a little love I would be getting from Taehyung. I just wanted a little corner in his life. I did not ask him to abandon everyone and everything for me. I was ready to bear it all with him. Then why can not anyone see? They denied me the leftovers from Taehyung's life. It hurts me."

"Hey, please no one is denying you anything. Taehyung will stand by your side. I talked to him. I will make sure that you will get your dignity and love back."

"No, there is no use......." Jungkook sniffled.

"What do you mean... Taehyung will...."

"I have made my decision. Jimin. I shall be leaving." Jungkook announced.

"What... Where will you go?" Jimin panicked.

Jungkook closed his eyes as he recalled the flashback from the past day, he sighed heavily before starting, "Yesterday, Lord John visited, he offered me that he wants me to supervise his wine business in Italy. So, I took the offer."

"What? Why did you say yes to him? You know his intentions. How can you trust him?" Jimin was in disbelief.

"Jimin please this is the only way. One of us has to leave to clear our images. So, I shall be leaving. Besides, my family loathes me now. Even my mother said she curses that day when she gave birth to me. Although father is not here. When he comes back he will also hate me. I can not stand it. You do not need to worry about John. He will not harm me as he will be here and I in Italy. I am capable of defending myself." Jungkook's eyes were shining with a fresh set of tears.

"Why you must always sacrifice? You already sacrificed so much for Taehyung. It is his turn. He will think of a way."

"No Jimin, Aylesford needs him. I am the one who distracted him from his duty to his people. So, I must be the one to leave. Although, I can not bring myself to be apart from him. But I have to do it." Jungkook mumbled the last part.

"Jungkook it is not your fault whatever is happening it is on him too."

"I know our love is pure. I do not have a shred of doubt about his love Jimin. I know he is hurting the same. I saw him turning away from the mansion yesterday. He wanted to see me upon coming back. I am the one he wants to see as soon as he is back home. So, it does not matter who makes the sacrifice. The hurt would be the same. " Jungkook smiled painfully.

Jimin embraced his friend."Please, if you see him again tell him that I am okay. And tell him I love him." Jungkook said.

"I will."


Sleep seemed to have run away from Taehyung's eyes. How can he sleep without knowing how his lover was? Taehyung's heart ached, he knew that Jungkook was in pain. All he wanted to do was to comfort him. Why the world has to be cruel to them? Taehyung sighed.

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