27. Distance Between Us

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The next day Taehyung found his breakfast prepared on kitchen counter. Maid told him that younger prepared it and went to Hyunjin's room. Taehyung opened the door slightly to see Jungkook and Hyunjin sleeping cuddled up. He placed himself on the edge of bed slowly making sure not to wake them up.

He looked at their sleeping figures. A silent sigh escape from his lips as he realized how wrong he was to think only about himself. When all he needed was right there. Jungkook and Hyunjin. He messed it all up by just thinking of what he could not have. He overlooked what he has.

"How naive I am, all I needed was right here with me and I ruined it all again. I was so blind. Forgive me my love." he mumbled to himself. He stood up and walked out of the door.

On the other hand Jungkook who thought his tears were dry, felt his eyes getting wet again. He was awake and heard what Taehyung said. His heart wanted to hug the elder and cry but at the same time he wanted elder to understand his pain too.

They both knew from the start that they can not have it all like others do. Jungkook neither once demanded more than it nor did he complain Taehyung about it. But Taehyung always had something to complain about, to look for more.

Even though the fault was not on Jungkook's side. He could easily leave Aylesford and settle with Taehyung anywhere in the world. Still he was backing up the elder who could not leave. So, he needed elder to realize this.


The next two days went like this. Taehyung found breakfast and dinner on the table at their respective times. Jungkook slept in Hyunjin's room for past two nights. He pretend to sleep when elder woke up and retire to room in evenings when Taehyung comes back.

They did not see each other despite being living under the same room. Taehyung sighed again finding dinner on the table. He wanted to talk to younger but it was evident that younger did not wanted to talk.

Taehyung's heart was aching knowing that his lover was suffering because of him. He never wanted to make Jungkook suffer like this. He made a mental note to get up early in the morning and talk to Jungkook.

Taehyung panicked as his eyes opened, looking around to cater if he was late again. He tighten his robe and made way towards kitchen. He heard shuffling noises in kitchen which meant Jungkook was there.

Jungkook did not realize his presence as he was turned away.He gathered all the courage he had and spoke, "Jungkook."

Hearing his name younger's hands stopped doing whatever he was doing. He did not turn back.

"Jungkook, my love please look at me." Taehyung pleaded.

He turned around still not looking at elder face turned on side. Taehyung carefully took steps towards him. He placed a hand on Jungkook's side of the neck bringing him closer. Jungkook closed his eyes. He can not deny how shiver ran down through his whole existence by being slightly touched by elder. Taehyung placed his forehead on younger's closing his eyes too.

"My love I am sorry for what I said that night. I was so wrong... to overlook the fact that I had everything I needed with you being by my side."

Jungkook's eyes were still close. He did not reply. Although his heart was beating erratically in chest.

"Please talk to me. I have not heard your voice in two days." Taehyung pleaded. A few seconds later he felt Jungkook's palms on his chest putting a slight pressure, that was to push him away.

"Do you need anything Taehyung?" Jungkook let out.

"No.... I.... Please do not do this to me. " Taehyung said.

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