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"Congratulations, Aelin" I hear Jace congratulate me since he's coming up to me while I'm sitting down. Earlier today the matter of the Lord of the Tides business was settled, yet again since the subject has been brought up multiple times "on your new dragon"

"Thank you, nephew" moving my hand on the table, I feel my cup and grab it sipping it "congratulations on your betrothalment"

"Thank you" I hear Baela thank me

"Rhaena is bitter" Aemond tells me, father wished for us all to have supper together as a family while he is still here on this plane of existence and since Rhaenyra and her family are visiting "seeing you and your dragon"

When the door opens, the scent of decay hits me so I stand. I hear many other do the same, father must be carried in since I don't hear him wheezing as much. We soon sit down once father is in the middle with mother and Rhaenyra on either side of him.

"How good it is" father speaks, his voice raspy "to see you all tonight together"

"Prayer before we begin?" Mother asks

"Yes" father agrees

"May the mother smile down upon this gathering" mother prays "with love, may the smith mend the bonds of the broken for far too long, and to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest"

"This" father speaks up once mother is done "is a occasion for celebration it seems—my son and daughter, Aemond and Aelin are to be married tomorrow" Aemond takes my hand and I smile "my grandsons: Jace and Luke are betrothed to their cousins Baela and Rhaena father strengthening the bonds of the family, and finally Aelin for she finally has a dragon. A beautiful dragon. A toast" I grab my glass "to the children"

"Well done Jace" I hear Aegon congratulate Jace "you'll finally get to lie with a woman" I smile at the jab Aegon says.

"This toast as well" father adds "Prince Lucerys, the future Lord of the Tides"

"You do know" Aegon asks in a low voice that if I didn't use my other senses to help guide me around, I wouldn't hear this "how the act is done I assume? At least in principal"

"Let it be cousin?" Baela asks

"Rhaena?" I call out asking "I heard Syrax has brought a clutch of three dragon eggs, have you got the chance to pick any?"

"I" she says "didn't know Syrax had laid a clutch of did you and your dragon"

"Nyx" telling everyone her name, I feed Nyx some meat that she takes "She and I bonded yesterday when Aemond and I visited Dragonstone—there are many wild dragons"

"Why" Mother asks "were you on Dragonstone?"

"I wished to claim" I say "the Cannibal, for no one has before"

"You planned a suicide mission" Rhaenyra says

"Unlike you Rhaenyra" I say "my dragon egg as Aemond's never hatched, there are many ways to become a dragon rider—claiming a dragon is one of them since the dragon chooses you, you don't choose the dragon. Isn't that right Aemond?"

"It is" Aemond agrees, he leans over his breath tickling my neck as he says "Rhaena is brewing with hate for us right now"

"Not our fault" my voice is low "she doesn't attempt to claim a dragon"

I hear father stand, he breathes deeply as he says "It gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table, the faces most dear to me in all the world. You've grown so distant from one another in the years that have passed" something clanks on the table, his mask must be off "my own face is no longer a handsome one, if indeed it ever was. Tonight I wish you to see me as I am, not just a king but your father! Your brother! Your husband! Your grandsire! Who may not seems walk for much longer among you...a regret for I cannot be able to walk my youngest down the aisle as I did her sisters Rhaenyra and Helaena" yes, mother will be walking me down the aisle "let us no longer hold our feelings in our hearts, the crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. Set aside your grievances" banging the table with his cane "if not for the sake of the crown then for the sake of this old man who loves you all, so dearly!"

"I wish to raise my cup to her grace" we hear Rhaenyra speak up as she stands "the queen. I love my father but I must admit one has stood more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with unfailing devotion, love and honor...and for that she has my gratitude and apology"

"Your graciousness moves me deeply Princess" Mother says "we are both mothers and we love our children, we have more in common than we sometimes allow. I raise my cup" mother stands "to you and your house, you'll make a fine queen" lies, mother doesn't wish that.

"I wish" standing up raising my cup "to raise my glass to my eldest sister and uncle, for their soon to be reign together if what father says to be true about his time with us and that they will be here for Aemond's and I's special day" lie, lie, lie.

"Well done" father says "my dear"

Sitting down, Aemond leans over "You lied through it all" I smile turning my head, placing my hand on his cheek I close my eyes to kiss him.

Suddenly there is a bang on the table, it's one of anger so Aemond and I stand ready to fight. I've learned to fight while blind with Ser Criston, it took so many years but I've managed to learn how to fight "I wish to" Jace says "raise my glass. To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond, we have not seen each other in years and I have fond memories of our shared youth and as men I hope we may yet be friends. Also to Princess Aelin, even through your...disability you have managed to make yourself something. Even on Dragonstone we hear the tales of the Princess Aelin, the Wildfire or Aelin the Accomplished" we sit back down after a moment of silence "to you and your families good health, uncles"

"Beware of the beast beneath the boards" Helaena mutters as Father bangs his cane saying "wonderful my boy"

"I would like to toast" Helaena raises her glass "to Baela, Rhaena, and Aelin. They'll be married soon, tis isn't so bad—mostly he just ignores you" yes, we know about Aegon and his...tendencies "except sometimes when he's drunk"

"Let us have some music!" Father orders, we soon eat and I feel Aemond's anger.

"What?" I ask Aemond

"Helaena and Luke are dancing" he tells me

"Aelin?" I hear Jace ask "would you like to dance?"

"Aemond?" I ask

"It's alright" he says, so I hold out my hand and Jace takes it. I stand up as he leads us to the dance floor. Nyx flies from me to Aemond I'm guessing.

"I hear that you know how to fight" Jace says

"Yes" I confirm "after what happened all those years ago, I learned how" we are silent until the song is over.

"Sister?" Aegon asks "would you like to dance?"

"Sure" Taking his hand, I smile as he spins me around "you could be nicer to Helaena, Egg" my nickname for him.

"She's an idiot"

"She has dragon dreams" I remind him "just like I" I like my sister who gets them in the day, I get them as I sleep. I rarely ever get them when I'm awake. Recently I had a dream of two dragons fighting, the smaller one being killed by the larger one in a storm.

We hear a loud bang after some time "Who did that?" I ask Aegon since we were going back to the table.

"Final tribute" Aemond calls out "to my nephews: Jace, Luke, and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise and...strong" I giggle "come! Let us drain our cups to these three strong boys"

"I dare you to say that again" Jace snaps

"Why?" I ask "he was only complimenting you" I hear someone throw a punch, I'm shoved and hear Rhaena. I grab her arm and she screams when I burn you "you forget yourself cousin" I hiss at her as she tries to pull away but can't "Don't play with fire" standing up I hear something and I let go of Rhaena's arm, to throw a punch which is at Baela who cries.

"Enough!" I'm pulled to Aemond, he holds me to him.

"Are you alright?" He asks as mother demands "why would you say such things to these people? Aelin? You know not to use your powers on family"

"They attacked" holding my arms out "Nyx" my dragon flies to me and I smile holding her close.

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