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"I do not know Aro" the witch, Cordelia, shakes her head "why some warlock is bringing these two here, but what I do know is that you can not separate them" when Aelin's niece Jaehaera appeared with her dragon Morghul, we brought them to my chambers that I share with Aelin. This was a couple weeks ago, now the witch Cordelia who came before is back "their family and they know it supernaturals"

"Now" Cordelia says "I'm going to check in on Aelin and her babies since she is due any day now" what? Isn't it to early? "With multiples the children could come early" oh, guess I said that out loud.

"What about the werewolf problem?" Caius demands, yes we were able to decode the riddle my mate told us and apparently the children of the moon shall die soon.

"That Nyx" Cordelia waves her hand "she one night ate a majority of the cursed beasts when they tried to attack her one night" Caius sighs relieved at that. It's no secret that he isn't a big fan of them.

"Felix" Marcus orders "go to your mate" nodding my head I leave the room and go to my mate who is being looked over by Cordelia since she did her teleporting thing.

"Hello Felix" Aelin smiles "Jaehaera, look" the little girl sees me and waves her hand.

"Hello Jaehaera" I sit down on the bed handing her a doll, she takes it with no reaction. Apparently she doesn't show a lot of emotions which I worry about "What's her name going to be?"

"Maeve" she tells me "after Maegor my baby brother"

"The babies are fine" Cordelia tells my mate

"Thank you" she smiles rubbing her belly, Jaehaera looks over and places her hand on Aelin's belly "the baby is kicking, can you feel it Jaehaera?"

"I can" Jaehaera says "it's so cool" she takes my hand and places it right where one of the babies is kicking "do you feel it Felix?"

"I can" nodding my head

"Felix?" Jaehaera asks me "Can you tuck me into bed with Auntie Aelin tonight?" Her purple eyes look into mine widely "tell me a story?"

"Sure" stroking her hair, I know Jaehaera isn't mine but I see her as mine. I see my mate as mine and the children she carries as mine. I've been taking it slow, have Aelin get to know me and me get to know her. The same with Jaehaera, I won't move too fast and confuse them. Jaehaera is a child so she might be confused since Aelin is already married, and Aelin needs time to process her feelings for me that it isn't just hormones since her libido has been raised since becoming pregnant she says.

"Hi" Demetri knocks on the door coming "how's the happy family?"

"We're doing fine" Aelin says "the babies are to arrive any day now? Is that right?"

"It is" Cordelia confirms "since that being said, no stress. It is important that you try to stay stress free for the remainder of the pregnancy" Demetri goes over to the bed and picks up Jaehaera.

"Come on Jaehaera" Demetri picks up the doll "time for your lesson with Caius about keeping supernaturals a secret" yes, Jaehaera has been going to Caius since he teaches her about the history of this world. Jaehaera when she met Caius asked if he was a Targaryen since his hair is white then asked the same about Athenadora since her hair is white.

I've been with Aelin, reading her books and just talking with her "Felix? Can you tell me about your humans life? Only if your want to"

"I'd be happy to" we move to the couch which was a lot for Aelin, yeah with how big she looks many would think she's carrying triplets but nope. Twins "I was born a bastard to a nobleman and a whore, when I was about ten I became a gladiator"

"A gladiator" she asks "is a type of slave that's purpose was to entertain people by fighting right?"

"Yes" I say "it was either that or becoming servant, either way a servant or gladiator during that time was a slave-I was one of the best until one not so fateful day where I was given a fatal stab to the chest. I was left for dead in a pit of dead bodies, Aro found me and bit me, turning me and I've been in the Volturi ever since"

"Do you have a last name?" She asks

"I did but it's been so long that I don't remember" Aelin leans forward and I hand her some chocolate. She's been craving chocolates constantly "what names are planning for the baby?"

"Before leaving" Aelin smiles sadly "Aemond and I talked about the names Aenar for a boy and for a girl it was Saera but now...Hela for Helaena or maybe just Helaena and we can name a dragon Hela"

"Beautiful names" I place my hand on her belly, she moves my hand to one spot where the baby is kicking roughly. Aelin turned her head and I leaned in close to kiss her when I hear something, the clashing of swords and men yelling.

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