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I wait upon the throne here in Dragonstone for Stannis to bring his brother "the king" before me, Stannis told me how Robert wants my head along with my family's simply by being in our ancestral home and claiming to he queen. Well news flash, Dragonstone is our home and I'm not giving it to anyone.

So I wait wearing a blue dress with a blue tiara and blue shoes, I know I should be wearing black or red or even green to match my family but I really like blue and I look amazing in it. I also have on blue eyeshadow and blue lipstick, I know some don't like how lipstick is more than just red, pink or a natural color but goes to a variety of colors—but I love it.

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My husbands are on either side of me, my kids on the steps sitting down relaxing while mother is with Jon and the other Targaryens including our son

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My husbands are on either side of me, my kids on the steps sitting down relaxing while mother is with Jon and the other Targaryens including our son. Demetri is also with them since we can protect ourselves.

When the doors open, we see a very fat man storm in with a crown on his head with armor on his body. He looks at us angry and out of breath. "Your majesty" Stannis introduces us, I simply hold my hand on the armrest bored out of my mind "May I introduce you to my brother King Robert Baratheon of the Six"

"Seven!" This Robert screams "Dragonstone is mine! Not yours you two faced cunt but mine!" He pulls out his sword "lay down your lives to me this instant!"

I simply snap my fingers and fire encases them all, the men he brought with look around in fear seeing the fire raging all around them "Your right Stannis" I say "this brother likes to wave his sword around like a child and even acts like a child. He truly has bad qualities as a leader. What to do about you? See if I kill you I'd be making everyone think I'm a tyrant and I'd be putting another tyrant on the throne, if I let you go I'd be receiving assassin after assassin. What to do?" Clapping my hands together "peace isn't an option since your idea of peace is to end all Targaryens"

"But mother" Aerion jokes "he'd have to be killing all the Baratheons since the only way he's even king is because he is part Targaeyen" we laugh at that.

"What to do?" I ask leaning back holding my hands out "the realm would go into chaos, your brother wants Storms End and I'm perfectly fine in giving him that but we still have much more to worry about"

"Your grace" Stannis speaks up "my brother also brought his Small Council"

"We could always end him and his family" Felix suggests

"Yes" I agree "but his family and he have done nothing to me...see I'm not like Robert where I kill innocent simply because killing is all I have in mind" tsking him as I wag my finger "now the Small Council"

"Yes" Stannis agrees "this is Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King. Grand Maester Pycelle.  Then our younger brother Reny Baratheon, the Master of laws. We have Lord Varys, he's the Master of Spies. Finally Lord Petyr Baelish, Master of Coin"

"Why are they all here?" Aemond demands "has things changed here other than our old half sister's descendants fucking everything up?"

"How is it" Petyr Baelish asks "you are all alive?"

"Immortality" Jaehaera answers

"Impossible" This Robert scoffs "no one is immortal"

"Yet here we are" I clap my hands together "just like our dragons who are hundreds of years old" waving to the door "go away"

"I am not leaving!" He yells "not without your head!"

"I think a lesson needs to be learned" Aenar says "if he doesn't want to leave willingly, have him leave by force and with a reminder for how disrespectful he is"

"Yes" tilting my head "but what body part should be removed? Tongue? Ear? Cock?"

"We'll leave Your Grace" The hand says "Robert come along, now!" He has to be forced out of the room. I doubt that will be the last time I see him.

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