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~Ned's POV~

I'm having supper with my family, Jon next to me as I try to make sure Catelyn doesn't pay any attention to them. When a servant runs in all frantic "My lord. My lady" she is out of breath with two letters in her hand "a letter from Dragonstone, the Targaryens their back" Standing up I go over to her and take the letter from her "a messenger ride say and night to send these, messengers are being sent them all over the realm my lord"

Dear Lord Eddard Stark,

I hope everything is well with your family, between you and my brother you are a good man while my brother is a fucking man whore. I write to you to inform you that during the Dance of Dragons: Queen Alicent Hightower and her two children Aemond and Aelin Targaryen along with their children Jaehaera, Aenar and Aerion Targaryen are alive and well. They have come back to Dragonstone and are planning on restarting their dynasty. They mean no harm will towards you and apologize for the damage that other own caused your house. The head of the house Queen Aelin will be going to the north to speak with you personally about business I do not know of. From what I understand they will not attack unless you provoke them. Also one last thing, they all have five fully grown dragons.

-Stannis Baratheon

Dragons?! The Dance of Dragons, no one knew where the Targaryens and their mother went. Everyone assumes Rhaenyra Targaryen tortured them for the death of her sons, daughter, and man she loved. Reading the second letter I see it's from the head of the Targaryens.

Dear Lord Eddard Stark,

Pleased to introduce myself to you, my name is Queen Aelin Targaryen of Dragonstone. I write to you to apologize for what two of my half sister's descendants did to your family. Raping your sister and having your father and eldest brother be brutally murdered the way they were. I am truly appalled but not shocked since this is Rhaenyra's line we speak of. Now one thing I wish to speak of is that my mother, husbands and children do not wish to be like our ancestor Aegon the Conquerer. Now what I plan to do is simply, rebuild the Targaryen Dynasty which starts with reclaiming our home which I have already done since Stannis gave Dragonstone back to its rightful owners. Next is bringing home the Targaryens from across the Narrow Sea. But one thing is certain, I'm coming to Winterfell because of a dream I had regarding a Jon Snow. Once I have him I'll leave. It is only I who is coming up...him, my one husband Felix, and our daughter Jaehaera.


Queen Aelin Targaryen

"Ned?" Looking over at my family who are all worried "is it true?"

"The Dance of Dragons" I say "they had it wrong, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen never tortured Queen Alicent Hightower or her two children and three grandchildren. Their alive and have Dragonstone, Stannis gave it to them"

"Why would he do that?" Robb asks

"Because I know the man and he never wished for Dragonstone" I say "but also it has to do with the five fully grown dragons that he saw"

"Dragons?!" Everyone exclaims

Arya runs over to me "Can we go to Dragonstone father? I want to meet the dragons!"

"Us too!" Bran and Rickon agree running over.

"So this is another Aegon the Conqueror?" Theon scoffs

"No" I correct "the leader is Aelin Targaryen who wrote this letter to me personally, she apologized for what Rhaegar and Aerys Targaryen did to our family. She has named resell Queen of Dragonstone and only Dragonstone"

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