Chapter Three*

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"I would prefer it if you did not stare at me," Severus told Kefira as she found herself following the man through a crowded street.

"I would prefer to be home, but it seems were both not going to get what we want today." she responded.

"It would be wise of you to start practicing your manners, Miss Walsh because I will issue you a detention."

"Detention? We're not even in school, right now. You can't just give me a detention." Kefira said.

"I assure you this behavior will land you a detention on your first day at Hogwarts," Severus said to her, sounding like a threat.

However, Kefira didn't seem at all intimidated, instead, once again, she seemed bored.

"What would I even do in your detention, write lines?"

"No, there are various punishments. Like polishing the candelabras...with no magic."

He said the punishment as if it were one of the darkest things in the world, which only made Kefira laugh.

"Seriously, that's it? My mum deals out way harsher punishments than that."

Severus did not appear amused at all.

"Why are you always making that face?" Kefira asked him suddenly.

"Excuse me?"

"I said why are you always making that face? Can't you smile?" she questioned.

"I am capable of smiling, the issue is finding something worth smiling about."

"Right..." Kefira looked to the side as her eyes widened at the man her parents had trusted her with.

"Do you have your school supplies list on you?"

"Yup, it's in my pocket," she said patting one the front left pocket of her jeans. "Oh wait..."

She had felt her pocket empty. "Maybe it's in this pocket then. Nope, not there either...."

Severus let out a heavy sigh, refraining himself from rolling his eyes profusely at the girl's rowdy attitude and behavior.

Albus suggested it was a good idea for Severus to be the special messenger to the newly discovered muggle-born witch.

However, as he watched the girl empty pocket after pocket, he had two questions running back and forth in his mind.

Was Albus becoming senile and how many bloody pockets did the girl have on her?

"Ah ha!" Kefira raised her hand triumphantly with the folded up list between her fingers. "Told you it was in my pocket."

"I never doubted you for a moment," Severus replied flatly.

While Severus Snape was proving to be a total buzzkill, Kefira did find herself enjoying the glimpses of magic that were revealed as they were to enter a place called Diagon Alley. They had entered through a pub and as Severus led the way, she found herself in a new little world that she didn't know existed.

Shops were buzzing, people were everywhere and Kefira stopped in the middle of a street just to spin around to get a decent view.

She was grabbed by the back of her jacket and pulled back to avoid being struck by a man wheeling a cart around.

She glanced up at Severus, who didn't bother peering down at her. Instead, he kept his hold on her jacket and pulled her along like a dog on a leash.

Kefira didn't seem to protest as much as she walked along, glancing into every shop window that she could.

"So, this is where I'm getting my school supplies?"

"That's why I asked you if you had the list," Severus replied.

Unsure of what made the man so incredibly grumpy, Kefira planted her feet on the walkway and refused to move any further. Severus attempted to pull her along but she remained still.

"What are you doing?" he asked her.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," she said causing several fellow witches to cast a glance over their way in passing. "You have a serious attitude problem."

"I.." she watched his eyes grow wide for a second in fury before they narrowed at her. "You will not speak to me in such ways, do you understand? We are here to collect your school supplies and then I will return you to you family."

"I don't want to be around you."

"Believe me, Miss Walsh, the feeling is mutual."

Their first destination was Gringotts Wizarding Bank as the girl and her family carried no wizarding money, they were going to have to trade in for the proper currency. Severus led the way to the front teller and pulled out the money, Kefira's parents had given him to trade in.

Kefira peeked her head over the counter and looked at the person dealing with the money exchange.

A goblin sat with glasses hanging off its nose as it counted the money twice over.

Feeling the girl watching him, the goblin glanced down at her.

"Hi." Kefira waved.

The goblin gave Severus a look before hopping down from his seat and disappearing.

"Seems everyone in the magical world has a bit of an attitude problem, apparently," Kefira said.

"Most do not take kindly to those who stare."

"Well, sorry, it's the first time I've ever seen one. I've only heard about them in stories, what am I supposed to do?"

"Not stare!" Severus replied sharply as the goblin returned with their money in hand. He handed it to the Professor.

Severus turned to leave but caught Kefira looking at him wide-eyed making a silly face at him.

"What did I just say?"

Kefira giggled at him. "You really need to learn how to smile, Professor Snape or at least find something worth smiling about. My mum says if you frown your face will get stuck like that...oooh, that makes sense now."

Severus rose a brow at her.


"Your face got stuck like that didn't it?"

"It certainly did not, this is my face. I choose to compose myself in this manner."


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