Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight

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With three months to go between tasks, Kefira was hoping that some of the tournament hype would die down, but it seemed to interfere even with the simplest of things. As the students gathered for Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid, they were able to witness the treachery that was Rita Skeeter. Kefira didn't know much about the woman but was highly distracted by the woman's gold teeth every time she decided to smile.  There were mixed reviews about the woman, as some students praised her writing, while others didn't seem at all fond of her. Not reading any of the woman's articles recently, she could only rely on Neville's judgment of the journalist and he didn't seem to think kindly of her. That was enough for Kefira, because if Neville didn't approve, being one of the sweetest people in the castle, that was saying plenty.

The woman lurked around during their lessons with the skrewts, trying to get Hagrid to answer a few of her questions. It seemed she was attempting to flirt with the man, but it was like watching one of Kefira's sisters flirt, painful and incredibly awkward. Hagrid dismissed her, claiming that Dumbledore said she wasn't allowed on the castle grounds. 

It also didn't help that everyone was still talking about the competition, wondering what the second task would involve. 

Arriving at Transfiguration class one day, Kefira figured she had found her sanctuary from the talk of the tournament as McGonagall had them all focused on the task at hand.

They were working on turning guinea fowl into guinea pigs while Professor McGonagall walked around the room.

"Hey Nevs, check it out!" Kefira giggled. "I gave my guinea pig a bit of a mohawk."

Neville glanced over as his guinea pig was covered in feathers still, to see Kefira's with one feather sticking straight out on her guinea pig's head. It brought the two into a fit of laughter before McGonagall made her way over to them. The woman didn't have to say much, the look on her face, as she eyed the two guinea pigs on the table said it all.

"Care to explain this, Miss Walsh?"

"Uh...yes, Professor, you see, my guinea pig has just realized his dream in life. He would like to join a rock band, and Neville's guinea pig is in the middle of an existential crisis."

Regret washed over the woman's face as she cursed herself internally for asking in the first place.

Luckily, the attention was taken off of them as the professor caught Ron and Harry having a pretend sword fight with the fake wands the twins had given them.

"Potter! Weasley!"

After scolding the boys, she cleared her throat and had the class listen to her upcoming announcement of a very special event that was to take place in the castle.

"The Yule Ball is approaching - a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. Now, the ball will be open only to fourth years and above - although you may invite a younger student if you wish -"

Whispers erupted in the classroom as girls giggled, boys became pale, and the rest just seemed confused.

"Dress robes will be worn-"

"Aww no, that means formal, doesn't it?" Kefira grumbled dropping her head onto the table. "My mother's dream, my personal nightmare."

It seemed the announcement of the Yule Ball had made its rounds through the castle at lightning speed as everyone was aware by the end of the day. The challenge came for those who had to muster up the courage to ask someone.

Hogwarts had become an absolute madhouse and Kefira didn't understand why. The innocent mind of the teenage girl had not become corrupted by rampant teenage hormones as it did with some of her peers that seemed all too desperate to find a date to the Ball and quick.

"You would think by the way everyone is acting that it's either date or death!"

Neville glanced over at her, his palms drenching sweat, that he could barely hold the cup of juice in his hand as they sat in the Great Hall for lunch.

"I couldn't get any sleep with Lavender and Parvati giggling through the night discussing who they were going to ask. Don't get me started when Faye came in and joined them..all of them, half-crazed."

Neville didn't think it was the appropriate time to bring up if Kefira actually wanted to go to the Yule Ball and if she did if she wanted to go with him.

She appeared irritated by the whole idea of the ball, which certainly didn't settle his nerves at all.

Since McGonagall announced it in class, Neville began to slowly work up the courage to just ask her, but each time the Yule Ball was mentioned, Kefira just made a frustrated noise in response.

Suddenly, they were joined at the table by a girl from Durmstrang. Neville had seen Kefira talk to the girl on several occasions, but he had yet to speak to her really.

"Hi Bisera," Kefira greeted her as she went to reach for an orange.

"Hello Kefira, you seem to be in a bad mood."

"Eh, all this Yule Ball nonsense, I was just telling Neville that everyone is making this out to be a life or death situation."

"Well, I'm sure everyone just wants to have someone during a slow dance," Bisera laughed.

"You don't need someone to slow dance with," Kefira said. "Ever slow dance by yourself?"

"No, I cannot say I have."

"It's quite fun," Kefira laughed to herself before growing frustrated with her orange. Neville gently took it from and began to peel it away as Bisera continued the conversation.

"Anyways, speaking of dates and the ball, has anyone asked you yet?" Bisera questioned.

Neville froze mid-peeling of the orange and looked up, as Kefira, who was about to take a sip of her drink set her cup down.

"Uh no, actually, why?"

"Well, I was wondering," the girl began," if you would like to go to the Yule Ball with me?"

The orange dropped from Neville's hands, onto the floor and rolled away, along with all hope.

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