Chapter Thirty Six

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Kefira could hardly contain her excitement knowing she was going to get to see Neville the next morning. She was all too curious about how he had handled his detention. She had just come down the stairs from the girl's dorm, leaving Faye to sleep longer when she nearly stepped on Trevor who was hopping around the common room. Last second she avoided the toad by  taking a jagged step to the left and falling to the ground.

Trevor leaped over and settled in her lap.

"Are you trying to kill me, Trevor? I could have snapped my neck just a second ago because of you." she chuckled.

"Sorry." a voice said, she quickly looked down to the toad with a confused face until she heard giggling behind her. She turned around to see Neville on the last step coming from the boy's dorm.

She smiled. "It's just you, I thought I was going crazy for a moment, actually." she said. Trevor hopped off and continued about while Neville offered his hand to help her to her feet.

As soon as she was on her feet, Kefira pulled Neville into a hug.

"I'm so happy for you."

Neville returned the hug but he was completely puzzled. "I'm afraid I don't understand."

"You got detention Neville, that's great!" she said.

"I don't understand how that's great!"

"Well, you must have done something outside of your comfort zone in order to get what did you do? I heard Professor McGonagall say that you were caught being out after dark...with Draco, Harry and Hermione...what were you guys doing?"

Before Neville could answer Kefira gasped loudly. "Were you guys about to duel?"

"N-no." Neville shook his head. "We...I went to warn Harry that Draco was trying to get them in trouble...but then I got caught by Professor McGonagall."

"Oh....well that's okay Nevs." she smiled. "What did Professor McGonagall have you guys do?"

"We went out into the Forbidden Forest."

"WHAT?!" she screeched out of envy.

Neville flinched at her loud tone. "They sent us into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid. It was awful, we had to find a unicorn."

Kefira's eyes were wide and she stood completely baffled. "Let me get this straight, you were able to go into the Forbidden Forest and see a unicorn, but it was awful. None of this is adding up for me, Neville."

"The unicorn was dead."

"Oh...but still at least you got to see one up close." she said. "I'm so jealous."

"For the love of....Kefi, you're so loud. I could hear you all the way upstairs!" Seamus said coming down with Dean.

"Yeah and I could hear your snoring from all the way down here, Seams." she countered.

Seamus' jaw dropped. "I do not snore." he said before turning to Dean. "I don't snore!"

Dean smirked. "You kinda snore..."

"Kinda?" Harry said in passing as he left the common room.

"I don't snore!" Seamus shouted.

"Seamus, you're so loud!" Kefira told him.

Seamus narrowed his eyes at her before Kefira ran off with him in pursuit leaving Dean and Neville back in the common room.

Dean turned to Neville. "Want to go get breakfast?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Although, I'm sure we're going to have to stop those two from trying to kill each other."

"Or not." Neville pointed out. " Seamus would have to catch Kefira first."

"Where did you end up going last night after the library?" Faye asked Kefira as she found the girl eating breakfast with the boys later on.

"I needed help with my homework still so I went to Professor Snape."

Dean choked on his drink. "Willingly?"

"Yes, willingly."

"Why?" the group asked in unison.

She laughed." Because while he might be grumpy, he's still really smart. I mean, he is a professor, right? He helped me out a lot. I got all my homework done, so...yeah. Works for me."

Neville accompanied Kefira to the owlery later on that afternoon so Kefira could give her an owl to bring home.

They climbed the stairs side by side, Neville watching Kefira greet every owl in passing. Eventually, she found her owl, Loxie, resting on one of the perches.

"Sorry to disturb your nap, Loxie. But if I don't send a letter to Mum, she's going to get crazy and I'm sure you've witnessed her crazy side. You've been in the family long enough. It's not pretty, is it?"

The owl let out a soft hoot as Kefira handed over the letter. As soon as the letter was transferred over, the owl took off out of the Owlery to deliver the letter.

"How cool would it be to be an owl? Or just an animal capable of flying? That would be so cool."

Neville grinned. "I don't know, I don't mind having both feet firmly placed on the ground. Firmly."

The two laughed.

"But if you like flying you should play quidditch..."

"Oh no." Kefira shook her head. "No thank you. I don't have any desire to play."

"Why not?" Neville asked confused. It seemed like the perfect sport for Kefira, it would involve her always moving around.

"Because it involves following rules."

A/N: Hello readers! I just wanted to let you know that the Seamus Finnigan story, Fire Fox is connected to this story as some of you have probably figured out already. However, be warned, that Fire Fox takes place in Fourth Year so Kefira will be older in that story. She won't be in there all the time, but you will definitely get to see her and Neville interact a bit when they're older. If you don't want spoilers, feel free to wait reading that. But if you want a little sneak peek in Kefira's life when she's older, check it out! 


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