Chapter Eighty Four

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"Why are you smiling like that?" Cardel asked the night of Christmas day as he was reading one of the books he received as a present. He became slightly concerned by the dreamy little smile on his wife's face as she entered the room.

"Because I just found out something."

"Oh and that was?"

"Our little Kefi has a crush on a boy, how sweet is that?"

Cardel lowered his book. "Excuse me?"

"Oh stop it Cardel, it was bound to happen one day."

"Yes one the distant future. Very distant future. Like after I'm dead."

Alana rolled her eyes. "It's a crush, Car, she's not getting married."

"I'm just saying that I don't see Kefi as the type to develop a crush on anything cream. I could see boys being interested in her, but not her being interested in boys. She's too busy being awesome."

"I don't remember you being this worked up when Rosemary had her first crush."

"I expected Rosemary's first crush. From the moment she started putting up those posters in her room, I knew it. Same thing with Lottie and Nellie, but I don't see boy band posters on Kefira's walls. She has posters of animals and weird magic things I don't understand quite yet."

"Well relax, it's just a little crush. They come and go at this age."

"Do you know who it is?"

"No, I don't." Alana said. "I'm assuming it's probably one of the boys she hangs out with...that Seamus boy maybe."

"Oh no, I don't think so." Cardel chuckled. "I've heard the way she talks about him. That's friend or brother territory, nothing more."

"What's the other one's name? Daniel?"

"Dean." Cardel corrected her. "And the same goes for him, that's brother material. Not crush material."

"I can't believe we're actually having this conversation."

"I can't either." Cardel said. "But I do believe that if it would be anyone, it's Neville."

Alana stared at her husband for a moment.


"I mean it." Cardel said. "He is the only suitable option."

"You're just saying that because you've grown fond of the boy."

"No, I'm saying that because Kefira has grown fond of the boy." Cardel said. "There is a difference when Kefira speaks about Neville versus the other two. She never has a bad thing to say about him."

"I would think that would be more of the brotherly tone -"

Cardel shook his head. "Nope, I bet you anything, it's him."

"Are you going to talk to her about it or should I?"

"I don't see the need in saying anything Kefira."

"But I gave the other girls the talk..."

"I don't think Kefi needs the talk. Remember, she finds things like that perfectly gross."

"Look at you Neville! You got yourself a girlfriend!"

Neville glanced up at his great-uncle Algie who had visited during the holidays.

"But she's not my girlfriend. She's my best friend. She only kissed me.'

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