Chapter One Hundred Two

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As Kefira suspected, Professor Snape's happiness, only seemed to be brought upon bringing down others. By the end of the day, the entire school was well aware of Professor Lupin being a werewolf, and before parents started an uproar at the school, he was setting to leave before the end of the school year. She felt terrible for the man, knowing he had no control over his illness, and despite being a werewolf he had been an amazing professor during his time at the school. Before he departed the school, she wanted to at last thank him for being awesome.

She saw him walking down the corridors at one point away from the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. She ran after him calling his name. The man turned and paused at the end of the corridor.

"Miss Walsh what are-"

"Do you have to go?" she asked him suddenly.

The man gave her a warm smile. "I'm afraid so."

"But why? Everyone here loves you."

"Thank you, Miss Walsh. But I'm afraid that's not the case and once parents learn about this.."

"Who cares? It's not your fault. And it's not like you don't have it under control...well.."

She thought back to the incident. "That's besides the shouldn't leave."

"I don't have much of a choice."

Kefira frowned.

"Don't be sad. I'm sure my replacement will be just as good." Professor Lupin said with a hopeful smile.

Kefira gave him a look. "Professor Snape is going to be covering your class until the school year ends, does that sound good to you?"


"Couldn't you stay until the end of the year?"

He shook his head. "I'm really sorry, Miss Walsh. But I have faith that you will make the most out of the rest of your year. You are a very bright young lady. You remind of someone I once knew and she was a bright witch, who definitely was never afraid to speak her mind."

The frown slowly faded into a smile as she looked at him. "Really?"

"Yes, never change."

"I won't."

"Also," the man took a couple of steps towards her, " you don't have to be afraid of being sick. After getting to know you, I think you are far too strong to even catch a cold."

"Thank you. Goodbye Professor Lupin."

"Goodbye, Miss Walsh."

After the Professor left, Kefira sighed before turning around to head back to the Gryffindor Tower, only to spot Professor Snape down the hall. She gave him an angry look and shook her head at him. Word had spread about Professor Lupin being a werewolf because of Professor Snape and it infuriated Kefira to no end that Professor Snape would do such a thing. It was bad enough that he was horrid to Neville half the time, in fact he was horrible to many and Kefira just couldn't understand why.

Rather than ignoring him, she decided to approach him. It was near the end of the year, so if he was going to dish out multiple detentions she didn't care.

"Why would you do such a thing?" she asked as she neared him. 

Severus glanced down at the short girl who was glaring up at him.

"What are you rambling about now-"

"Don't play stupid!" she growled at him.

"Watch your mouth-"

"Why don't you watch yours! You're the only one in this school who hurts people with it. What was the purpose of telling everyone that he was a werewolf? He was nice-"

"You don't know what you're talking about, so I suggest you shut your mouth."

"I do know what I'm talking about. Everyone heard about it because it came from the Slytherin house. I'm not stupid, I know it was you who did it and it was a horrible thing that you did. He couldn't control the fact that he was sick...I don't know exactly how he feels, but I can relate on some level. Because when you're sick, people automatically start using it against you, and they suddenly hold different views of you. They believe you're automatically limited. But just because someone has limitations it doesn't mean they are completely limited. They only become completely limited because of people like you!  You're just like the people who told me I couldn't do things when I was younger whether it was because I was sick or because I was girl."

The two exchanged harsh glares before Kefira looked away from him first.

"You're just a bully and I don't understand why. And while I feel bad for the people you choose to pick on, I feel sorry for you the most. Because in the end, you're just going to end up alone and it won't be anyone's fault but your own!"

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