Chapter Seventy

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"Those things are incredibly creepy." Dean said as the group left the Herbology greenhouses one day. The group looked in the distance to see one Dementor moving around outside the school grounds.

"I agree." Neville shuddered. "The fact that they can just suck all the happiness from you..."

"I feel bad for them." Kefira admitted.

"Of course you do!" Seamus said with an eye roll until Kefira shoved him aside.

"Well, how would you feel? The only way they survive really is feeding off the happiness of others. Does that sound like a good life to you?"

"Sounds like Professor Snape." Seamus chuckled before meeting Kefira's stern gaze.

"Professor Snape is not a Dementor."

"No, but he sure acts like one. No one is allowed to be happy around him."

"Did you ever stop to think that his unhappiness was caused by something terrible happening to him?" Keifra asked them.

"Like what?" Faye asked.

"I don't know." Kefira shrugged. "But sometimes bad things happen to good people and it turns them sour."

"Or some people are just born grumpy." Seamus said.

"Like you?" Kefira countered.

"No, not me."

Kefira was sitting in one of the window seats in the hall, waiting for Neville who left to change into comfortable clothing. Trevor was taking advantage of the empty hall space and was stretching out his legs with several hops before taking a strong leap and landing beside her.

"That was an impressive leap." she smiled at the toad.

Trevor let out a croak making her chuckle.

She suddenly saw Fred and George rounding the corner casually whistling among themselves. As soon as they caught sight of her, they stopped to talk.

"Hello Lost Weasley." Fred greeted her.

Kefira rolled her eyes. "Kefira or Kefi works too."

"I'm sure it does. What are you..." the twins looked down to the toad. "...up to?"

"Trevor and I were discussing politics." she responded.

"Ah.' George said. "That sounds nice."

"Care to join us?" she offered.

"Raincheck." Fred told her before his gaze ventured down the hall. While George was busy looking at the toad, Kefira followed the other twin's eyes. She saw him looking down the hall at another girl who was occupying a window seat, knitting to herself.

"You know if you stare too long, she's going to catch you." she said to Fred.

Fred glanced at her before shaking it off. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said before turning to his brother. "Ready to go?"

'Ready when you are."

The two left leaving Kefira alone with Trevor again who let out a rather loud croak.

"I agree." Kefira nodded.

"Sorry!" The two looked to see Neville running down the hall. "Sorry, I didn't mean to take so long but I couldn't remember the password for the life of me."

"Did you figure it out?" she asked.

"Well obviously." he smiled pointing out that he was wearing different clothing.

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