Chapter One Hundred Seventeen

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"Lions...giraffes...and magic." Kefira flopped back on her bed. "This vacation has just been amazing and it's only getting started."

She clapped her hands together, but when she didn't hear Neville join in on her happiness, she lifted her head up from her pillow and glanced over at him.

"Um...Nevs, you okay there?"

"I'm fine." Neville said as he sat on his bed. "It's's been a lot to take in today."

She offered a sympathetic smile before pushing herself up from the bed and moved over to his to sit beside him.

"I guess Bandile kinda psyched you out, huh?" she said looking at him.

Neville sighed. "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting him to be a wizard of all things..."

"Well, none of us were." Kefira said. "But you don't have to worry about anything, Neville. Bandile is a good person. He's known my dad since they were little."

"I'm not concerned if he's a good guy or not. I figured he was a good person since he's a long time friend of your family. It's just..he knew my parents. I don't come across that very often. You know...most people won't bring up my parents, it's like they're afraid to talk about them."

"What do you mean?" Kefira asked. "Afraid?"

Neville swallowed. "You can hear it in school, people talk about Harry's parents a lot, you know. I've heard a lot of people call them brave. And I know they were brave...but so were my parents. They were brave too, but it's like it's different because they are still alive and in St. Mungo's and Harry's parents know.."

Kefira frowned before pressing her lips together as she placed her hand on Neville's shoulder.

"From what you told me about your parents, Neville, they sound incredible, amazing and any positive word I can imagine. I think they deserve their praise just as much as anybody who fought against that overgrown man child that is a self-proclaimed lord-"

"Kefi, don't talk like that-"

"No, Neville, you should call him what he is. That man was just a child who didn't get what he wanted, so what did he do? He just hurt people to get it. He's a playground bully and all the people he hurt didn't deserve it. Because he didn't just hurt them, he hurt their families and their friends. And it takes so long for mental and emotional scars to heal than physical ones."

Neville swallowed as he felt a lump develop in his throat as he tried to his best to remain composed.

"Even if people don't talk about your parents as much, and even if they don't get the praise they deserve, remember this Neville, you know how incredible they are-"

"Don't you mean were?" Neville replied quietly.

"No...I meant are." Kefira said. "They are still around, Neville. Maybe not in the traditional sense...but they are still around and they are still supporting the ways that they know how."

She reached over to the night stand and grabbed the little candy wrapper that Neville had brought with him. She opened his hand and placed it in his palm.

Neville stared at the bright multicolored candy wrapper in his hand, remembering how many his mother placed in his hands over the years whenever he visited her.

"You know, I thought about what your mother was trying to get at by giving you these wrappers...' Kefira said. "And I like to think, she just developed her own language...and all she's doing is waiting for someone to translate it for her."

'But it's a wrapper...there is no writing..." Neville said. "Or attempts at writing.."

"No, but language doesn't have to be spoken or written as many would have us believe."


"No." she giggled. "You've heard of body language, haven't you? Just by looking at someone's movements and gestures, you can gather what they are feeling. You've heard of sign language, there's no speech involved. There are so many ways to communicate, Neville. Sometimes it's just a matter of trying to figure out how to listen. I think every time your mother gives you one of these wrappers, it's her way of telling you that everything is alright. That they are okay and you will be okay. They can't be with you every waking second of everyday, but they're still with you. They're standing behind you through least..that's what I've made out of it."

She watched as Neville's fingers curled over the wrapper in his hands as tears streamed down his face.

"Aww Nevs, I didn't mean to make you-"

Suddenly, she found herself encased in a warm embrace as Neville hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Kefi. Thank you so much!"

"Don't mention it, Nevs. You deserve to hear things like that, you shouldn't have to thank people." 

He released his hold on her and saw her smiling at him, which brought a smile to his own face.

As the two locked eyes, Neville felt his face turn warm and he was surer than anything that his face was a bright red.

Kefira was getting ready to question if he was alright, but before she could open her mouth. Neville leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the corner of her lips.

Thank you @RachelMargaretMiller I love the comic book feel to this picture, it's awesome!

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Thank you @RachelMargaretMiller I love the comic book feel to this picture, it's awesome!

Eeep! This is adorable! Thank you @pascale

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Eeep! This is adorable! Thank you @pascale.jude

This picture is just

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This picture is just..beyond words and makes me laugh so hard because I definitely seeing Kefi and Neville as a Disney couple . Thank you Light____!

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