Chapter Fifty Four

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The draught was administered to all of the petrified victims by Madam Pomfrey and all they had to do was wait for the antidote to take effect. Kefira was one of the first to stir from her stone-line state as she felt the control of her body returned.

"Oh thank goodness." she thought to herself happily.She wasn't sure how long she had been trapped in her body, but she didn't care as long as she would be able to move around finally. She urged her fingers to move and then began to move her limbs. Eventually, while her body remained slightly stiff for a few more minutes, Kefira was awake and sitting up.

She was greeted by Madam Pomfrey who instantly gave her some water to drink.

"Welcome back." she said.

"Thanks, it feels good to be back."

Kefira looked around to the other students who were coming to. Hermione was on the bed next to her sitting up.

"Now all of you take it easy." Madam Pomfrey warned. "You haven't used your legs in quite awhile, you should give your body time to adjust, so no rapid movement- Miss Walsh!"

Kefira was already up from her bed and moving about the Hospital Wing.

She ignored the woman and continued moving around the Hospital Wing until she crashed into another body. She stumbled back when she was grabbed by her arm and  helped back on her feet. Peering up, she wasn't sure who to expect, but she certainly didn't expect to see Professor Snape.

She grinned instantly. "Hello Professor Snape. Did you miss me?" 

Severus felt the sudden urge to release her arm and allow the girl to fall to the floor but since there were witnesses around, he allowed her to use his arm to steady herself. Once she was back up on her own two feet, she straightened her shirt and glanced up at him.

The two said nothing to each other, but while Severus kept his same stoic expression, it seemed Kefira's smile on grew wider and wider.

"Oh come on, Professor Snape, admit it." she said. "You missed me, even just a little bit."

"The Potions classroom was far more quiet." he said.

"But way less exciting!"

"I didn't have to serve as many detentions."

"Where's the fun in that?"

Severus looked away from her as she continued to beam up at him.

"Well, Professor, if it means anything to you..." she said passing by him, " I missed you too."

Against Madam Promfrey's orders, Kefira left the Hospital Wing running, anxious to stretch her legs, which were wobbly to start with, Kefira was on her way back to the Gryffindor Tower, when she passed two familiar faces.

All three students came to a halt and turned to face each other.

"Kefira?" Dean said with a smile.

Kefira bowed. "At your service."

"But we thought-" Seamus began but shook his head. "Never mind. Welcome back!"

"Thank you." she said hugging the two. "Where's Neville and Faye?"

"I haven't seen Faye yet." Seamus said.

"But Neville is back in the Common Room." Dean told her. "You should head back there, he's going to be wicked excited that you're up and running again."

"That's where I was headed! I'll see you guys in a bit!"

"Wait," Dean grabbed her before she could jet off again. "You're going to need the password, remember?"


Kefira stood in front of the Fat Lady who smiled at her as soon as she saw the little red head racing up the stairs.

"Hi Elizabeth!"

"Hello." Elizabeth greeted her. "I heard they were giving the draught today. Glad to see you're already up and moving."

"Me too. It was awful being still for that long. Now I feel like I could run around the castle for days."

"Well, just don't get yourself a detention by doing so."

"No promises."

Neville came back down from the boy's dorm trying to keep his hold on Trevor who had nearly got stepped on earlier that day.

"You're going to get hurt, you know." he scolded the toad. But the toad continued to squirm in his hands trying to leap down. 

"Trevor, hold still, I-"

"Oh he just wants to say hi Neville." Neville heard the voice as soon as he walked into the common room. His head shot up and Trevor took advantage of the loose grip, slipping out of his hold and jumping to the floor.

Neville's eyes rested on Kefira who stood by the portrait entrance.

"Y-you're back?!" Neville said, his face brightening.

"Yup, I'm back!" Kefira said walking over to where Trevor rested on the floor and picked up the toad.

"When did you wake up?" Neville asked running over to her.

"Uh...about fifteen minutes or so ago."

"And Madam Pomfrey let you go already?"

"Oh I didn't really ask." Kefira smiled. "I kinda just left on my own. Don't worry I'm sure I'll get scolded for it later.I'm sure the majority of people have missed yelling at me for one reason or another."

Suddenly, she found herself wrapped in a tight hug that would put her mother's hug to shame.

But instead of teasing Neville, Kefira hugged him in return.

"I missed you too, Neville."

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