Chapter Seventeen

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One evening, Faye had fallen asleep early and Kefira couldn't find anyone to bother as she was left in the dorm, practically alone. She looked across the way and saw Hermione reading in her bed.

"Why are you always reading?"

Hermione lowered her book. "Because I enjoy reading."

"Don't you like doing other stuff?"


"What about-"

"I'm perfectly fine with reading. I enjoy it, it's very simple." Hermione told her.

"Well, yeah sure, I like bedtime stories as much as the next person, but-"

"These are not bedtime stories."

"That wasn't the point I was trying to get at, what I was saying is don't you want to other fun things?"

"Like what?" Hermione asked. "Having a boy step on the bottom step of the stairs so I can slide down?"

Kefira grinned. "Have you tried it? It's amazing! Best slide I've ever been on."

"I've never done it, nor do I plan to."

"Aww right not?"

"Boys are forbidden from coming up here."

"They're not coming up here! They're only standing on the last step, that's the beauty of it! You have to try it."

"No, I really don't."

Kefira made a face at the girl's boring attitude. Without saying another word, she arose from her bed and headed down the stairs to the Common Room.

She found Fred and George, the older Weasley boys who seemed to have taken a liking to her rebellious attitude.

"Hey!" she greeted them.

The two were sitting on a sofa together as Kefira plopped over the backside.

"Hello." they replied together.

"Can you guys help me with something?"

"That depends..." Fred said.

"What's in it for us?" George asked.

" about two high fives and.." she dug into the pockets of her pants. "...and a really cool marble."

"A marble?" George scoffed at her.

"Well, it is pretty cool. Check out the colors.." she said holding it out in the palm of her hand.

Fred glanced down at it. "Actually, that might come in handy later on tonight, George. " he said taking it from her. "Alright, what do you need help with?"

Kefira leaned into them and began to whisper her wicked little plan.

Hermione continued her reading her book in peace when she heard running up the stairs, knowing all too well who it was. She lowered her book to tell Kefira to keep it down when Kefira came running in like a bat out of hell. The red head raced over to Hermione's bed and snatched up the book with a wild grin.

"What are you doing?!" Hermione said standing up.

"Do you want your book back?"

"Yes, now hand it over..."

"Oh no, it's not going to be that easy." Kefira told her suddenly running back to the stairs. Hermione followed her, hoping Kefira wouldn't lose her page as she wasn't able to throw in her bookmark.

Not that she had expected the crazy girl to come upstairs and steal her book either.

Hermione went to run down the stairs, when suddenly, the stairs converted to a slide, causing her to slide all the way down to the common room. When she reached the end, she found the twins and Kefira standing there, trying to hold back their laughter.

"There, now you tried it." Kefira said handing Hermione her book back.

Hermione snatched it away and arose to her feet.

"Wasn't it fun?" Kefira asked.

"No." Hermione said before leaving back up the stairs.

"Should I?" Fred asked offering his foot towards the step.

"Nah." Kefira sighed. "If you do it again, I'll probably have to sleep with one eye open. Which I'm pretty sure is almost super impossible if you think about it." she closed one eye and pretend to snore causing the twins to snicker at the unique girl before them.

Neville came down from the boy's dorm to find Kefira walking around the Common Room, making noises similar to snoring while only having one eye open.

"What are you doing, Kefi?" he asked.

"Trying to sleep with one eye open." Kefira answered.


Kefira dropped her hands and opened her eyes fully. "I forgot actually. What are you up to?"

"I-I was going to head to the library to work on our potions assignment. W-w-would you like to come with me?"

"Oooh I don't know about that Nev." Kefira said scratching the back of her head.

"Oh, I..I understand." Neville frowned slightly at the declined invitation.

"I mean, libraries and I don't get along very well." she said. "I'm not exactly the quiet type, remember? But hey, I haven't gotten kicked out of a library recently, so maybe I'll give it a go! Just let me go grab my things."

She went to head up to the girl's dorm but stopped turning around to face Neville.

"Um...if I don't come down in about five minutes send for help." she told him.


"Because it probably means that Hermione killed me."

Neville opened his mouth, ready to question why Hermione would want to kill Kefira but at the last moment he decided against it.

He was better off not knowing.

It only took Kefira a few minutes to return and the two left through the portrait to head to the library.

"I'm glad you decided to come with me." Neville admitted.

"Why's that?"

"Well, I can't ever seem to remember the password to get back in and having the company is nice too."

"I can't promise you I won't get kicked out, but I'll try my best to talk in my best library voice." she said whispering.

"How many times have you been kicked out of a library?"

"Uh well let's say, I can't count it on both hands.."she said, "...and both feet."

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