Chapter One Hundred Fifty Nine

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"So, how's it going between you and Michael?" Kefira asked one morning as she and Ginny sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. At the end of the Yule Ball, Ginny had ended up talking to the Ravenclaw boy throughout the night and eventually, the two began dating, however, judging by Ginny's next actions, she didn't want people knowing about it just yet.

Kefira found her mouth being covered by the girl's hand as Ginny looked around, mainly keeping an eye out for her brothers. She sighed in relief as none of them seemed to be in the Great Hall. 

"It's going fine," Ginny told her. "I just..I don't need Ron finding out or anything, he would probably make such a big deal over it. Fred and George would probably prank him to near death. We're mostly keeping it quiet, for Michael's safety."

Kefira chuckled as Ginny lowered her hand and returned back to her food. "I suppose that's a good idea. He seems a bit quiet so I'm sure that'll work out for you two."

Ginny grinned. "Yeah and what about you and Neville?"

"What about us?" Kefira asked with a mouthful of a half piece of toast shoved in it. 

"Well, come on, Kefi, everyone has been talking about it, what's the deal with you two, anyway?"

"Everyone's been talking about it? Including the Professors?" Kefira asked with a cheeky grin.

The two laughed before Ginny shook her head. "You know what I mean, really though, since the Yule Ball...are you know?"


"Are you guys together or not?!"

The Great Hall became silent after Ginny's voice became slightly impatient as well as loud. 

"Way to go, Ginny," Kefira snorted. 


"Anyways, look, while I don't think it's anybody's business when it comes to what goes on between Neville and me, you are one of my best friends so I'll tell you. To be honest, Neville and I never really discuss anything when it comes to a relationship and if I'm being really honest about it, I'm more than okay with that. 

"You're okay with not being Neville's girlfriend?" Ginny questioned, only making Kefira laugh again.

"Well, when you put it like that it sounds horrible. No, that's not what I meant. I'm just saying that we're young, I don't think we're going to be running around with such serious titles such as boyfriend and girlfriend. But as long as I know that Neville knows I like him and I know that he likes me, we're fine with that."

Ginny smiled. "That's...great, Kefi. I'm glad. But let's say there was a bet....a hypothetical one...but a bet involved as to when you two were going to get together and we had to come up with a ...time frame...would you consider that you two are dating?"


The two girls giggled. "Who's this bet with?" Kefira questioned. "Hypothetically speaking, of course."

"Seamus, Dean...a couple of other students as well. Mostly Gryffindors, though."

"Big pay out?" Kefira questioned.


"If I said yes now, would it hurt or benefit you?"

"Benefit me greatly."

"Do I get a cut of the share?"


"Alright, you win," Kefira said."You can call it."

"Yes!" Ginny cheered before the two gave each other high fives. "Now, let me just go find the boys and we'll celebrate later!"

The girl jumped up to her feet to leave the Great Hall, leaving Kefira to herself at the table until Neville walked in. 

"There you are," Kefira greeted him. "Slept in, didn't we?"

Neville rubbed at his eyes with a sheepish grin. "I didn't really plan on it, you should have come to wake me up. Actually, I'm quite surprised that you didn't."

"Well, Ginny and I were up earlier so we just came down here for breakfast. I didn't see the harm in letting you sleep a bit more. After all, you're the one who puts up with me for the majority of the day, I think you need all the rest you can get."

Neville smiled as he sat down beside and took the orange from her hand that she was attempting to peel. Once he finished, he handed it over to her for her to eat. 

"Is there a peeling spell?" Kefira asked. "I feel like it would save you a lot of trouble rather than having you peel all the oranges for me."

"I don't find it to be troubling," Neville told her. "It doesn't bother me at all."

The two had to enter the Charms classroom that afternoon as Professor Flitwick claimed they would be learning the opposite of the Summoning Charm. The Banishing Charm with the incantation of Depulso, sounded like it would be a lot of fun and Professor Flitwick figured the students would enjoy it. He did not expect the classroom to become full out chaos. 

The professor had given each student a stack of cushions for them to practice with to avoid injuries, but Neville's aim seemed to be quite off. He continued to launch books and much heavier objects across the room nearly hitting several students.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong," he frowned looking to Kefira. 

"Just relax, Nevs, if you get even more worked up about it, it's not going to help you much," she tried to tell him. However, it was easier said than done. At one point, Neville tried the spell out again, only to launch Professor Flitwick across the room. 

"Oh no!" He cried out in horror.

"Oh yes!" Kefira laughed holding onto her stomach. "That was great!"

"Wh-what?" He looked over at her. 

"Oh come on, Neville, it's not that bad. Everyone else has been destroying half the classroom, I think it's more impressive that you managed to get Flitwick off guard. Good for you!"

A couple of moments later, Ron's cushion managed to take down the chandelier and bring it down onto Flitwick's desk.

"This class is great," Kefira said with a happy expression. "I can't wait to tell Mum and Dad about it. I know Nellie and Lottie will find it to be a riot. "

She glanced over at Neville to see the troubled look on his face.

"Cheer up, Neville," She nudged his arm with hers. "I think this class was all about us getting the hang of it. Look, only two cushions made it into the box."

She pointed in the direction to the box where they were supposed to be aiming the cushions in and as she said, there were only two cushions inside of it.

It did make Neville feel just a little bit better until Flitwick passed them giving a look in Neville's direction while rubbing his aching back. 

"Don't mind him," Kefira whispered to him. "I bet he loved flying, I think he was only annoyed about the landing part."

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