Chapter Seventy Eight

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Kefira was right when she claimed that Godric did have fun stories to tell, especially stories of daring sword fights. The two spend quite some time with the portrait of the one of the Founders, when suddenly, Godric was approached by another painting. Whispers began to echo about all the paintings.

"I think it would be wise if you returned to your house, right now." Godric informed them as he turned his attention back to the other character that appeared in his frame.

"I wonder what that was about?" Kefira said to Neville as they walked towards the Gryffindor Tower. "Normally he never stops talking."

"I think something bad happened. "Neville told her. "Didn't you see how all the other paintings were reacting?"

"I guess, but what could have happened?"

A crowd of Gryffindor students piled up outside of the Gryffindor Tower as no one seemed to be able to gain access.

Neville frowned as they heard students going back and forth whispering, while Kefira pushed her way through the crowds to make it to the front.

She gasped as she saw that Elizabeth was gone and her portrait was all slashed through, some of the canvas hanging towards the floor.

"What happened?!" she asked out loud to Percy Weasley. "Where's Elizabeth?"

"Stand back!" the boy told her and nothing more.

Kefira rolled her eyes as she retreated to her friends.

"What did they say?" Neville asked.

"Nothing, Percy's being a jerk as usual." she sighed. "But Elizabeth is missing and her portrait is all torn. I hope she's okay."

"She's a portrait!" Seamus reminded her from where he stood besides Neville.

"That doesn't mean she's okay!" Kefira told him. "She's my friend and it looks like she was attacked!"

Kefira wasn't given the chance to do anything as all Hogwarts students were brought to the Great Hall to sleep. With the news of Sirius Black being in the castle trying to break into the Gryffindor Common Room, all were to remain in one place until the castle had been searched over. They were all given small beds upon the floor, but Kefira couldn't sleep knowing one of her friends had run off scared.

"Faye..." Kefira whispered to her friend. "Are you asleep?"

"Yes." Faye answered groggily. "You should be sleeping too."

"I can't."

"Kefira, Elizabeth will be just fine, she's a portrait."

"She's not just a portrait! She has feelings you know?"

"Yes but it's not like she can physically get hurt. Now go to sleep before you get us both in trouble." Faye told her.

There was silence for a moment which surprised Faye because it was never that easy to get Kefira to agree. The girl turned over in her bed to see that Kefira was gone.

"Oh no."

With her wand in hand, Kefira had managed to sneak passed two of the professors that were supposed to be watching the students. As they had a conversation about whatever, Kefira crawled through the darkest parts of the Great Hall, avoiding waking any other student up.

Once she was out, she ran about looking for Elizabeth. She didn't dare call out to the woman knowing that it would get her caught in a heart beat. Portraits were leaving their own frames and traveling about, apparently still searching for her.

Kefira walked about in the darkness of the castle, keeping close to the walls just in case. Through her travels she climbed staircases and traveled down through corridors but didn't catch any glimpse of Elizabeth.

"Come on, where did you go?"

"Kefi!" She heard her name being called by a familiar voice.

She turned around to see Violet, the woman who normally accompanied Elizabeth in her drinking and hung out with her on numerous occasions.

"Miss Violet." Kefira said running over to the painting. "What are you doing here?"

When Violet was not visiting Elizabeth, she was found in her portrait which remained near the Great Hall.

"I could ask the same for you!" Violet whispered to her. 

"I asked you first." Kefira countered.

Violet made a face. "I'm doing the same thing that you're doing, I'm looking for Elizabeth. But you shouldn't be out here. You should be with the other students. It isn't safe."

"I want to make sure Elizabeth is okay...I'm not going to be able to sleep."

"No you won't be able to sleep if you get caught out here by a professor, now-"

"I'm not going back Violet, not until I find Elizabeth. You can keep me company and be my lookout if you're so worried about me getting hurt."

The two traveled, Violet speaking with several portraits in passing until they had reached the fourth floor.

"Violet!" a painting called out. "Look..."

Kefira followed Violet and finally they came upon Elizabeth, hiding in the map of Argyllshire.

"Elizabeth.." Kefira breathed.

Suddenly, she heard Peeves call out and then all the those involved in the search party of the Fat Lady came upon the scene of Kefira standing in front of the painting.

Professor Dumbledore glanced down at the girl who peered up at him.

Kefira cleared her throat. 

"Uh hi."

Thank you @Auslly4Life_for the fan art!

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Thank you @Auslly4Life_for the fan art!

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