Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

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"I hope you had a really nice summer with us, Nevs."

"Of course I did."

"Are you sure? I know we can all be a bit...well you know...."


Neville smiled to himself on the first night that he had returned after the Walsh family holiday was over in South Africa. The memories and experiences he had from the trip would stay with him forever as he had done things he never imagined himself doing. He had traveled to another part of the world that was predominantly muggle, been hunted by lions, learned to swim, and had even worked up enough nerve to kiss Kefira, even if it hadn't been a full one on the lips.

He still wasn't fully convinced that he was Gryffindor quality, but he was slowly making his way there. Kefira was breaking him out of the shy shell that he had built around himself in fear of people judging him constantly. He never expected the hyperactive girl that he had met on the train, would become so much more than the girl who questioned why he was so quiet all the time.

The Walsh family had become so much more over the years as well, they had been there for him and allowed him to experience so much when they didn't have to. They could have gladly just have taken their own children on the trip and left Neville to spend the summer with his grandmother and Uncle Algie as he normally did. Instead, he was able to travel and meet another wizard that knew his parents.

He was able to hear that his parents had an impact on people from different parts of the world and were known for their bravery. 

The summer had just been perfect and everything Neville needed to start building the confidence that would serve him well in just a few years time.

Settled in his own bed back at his grandmother's house, Neville's hands rested over his chest as he stared up at the ceiling unable to sleep. He had become so accustomed to Kefira stay up late into the night, telling wild stories or wanting to go on a late night adventure. His grandmother's house was so unbelievable quiet that he was struggling to fall asleep. 

Reaching out, he grabbed his favorite book off of his nightstand and opened it up to have Kefira's handwriting meet his eyes. He smiled as he began to read the story of how the lion grew his mane, and thought of the lions they had witnessed up close and personal.

Suddenly, the door to his bedroom opened causing him to jump and drop the book to the floor. He glanced over to see his grandmother standing in the doorway.

"Still awake?" She said raising a brow. "You know we have to get up early to get your school supplies."

"Y-yes, I know. Sorry Gran, I was just having trouble falling asleep is all." Neville said, sitting up in his bed and reaching down to collect the book off the floor.

"You read that book an awful lot, don't you get tired of the same stories? Reading them over and over?"

"No." Neville shook his head. "They're actually really entertaining."

His grandmother walked over and sat beside him on the bed, holding her hand out to hold the book.

Neville seemed hesitant about handing the prized book over but eventually gave in and placed the book in his grandmother's hand.

Augusta opened up the book in her hands and glanced over the handwritten and hand illustrated pages that Neville's little friend had created for him. Looking it over fully she realized how much work the girl must have put into the book.

"I can see why you like the book so much." She said finally. "It's actually put together really well. Kefira did this all by herself?"

"I believe so. I mean that's her handwriting and her drawing skills." Neville said with a small smile.

"She must care for you a great deal to put all that effort into a gift."

Neville didn't respond but his red cheeks said it all.

"And you must care a great deal about her considering you've kept the book in such great condition after all this time."

"Well, I wouldn't want all her hard work to be destroyed by anything."

"Right." Augusta said with a hint of a smile as she handed him back the book. "Well, you should get some sleep, Neville. Like I said, tomorrow is a busy day."

"Alright, Gran. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Neville."

Augusta arose from the bed and walked over to the door, she had turned to close the door over as she saw Neville lay back in his bed. The smile on his face remained as he rested his head back on his pillow.

It was a bittersweet thing for Augusta to see, as the smile resembled that of her son's Frank, back to the time where he had first told her all about a girl named Alice.

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