Chapter Eighty Five

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Neville was ready to return to Hogwarts after his grandmother and his Uncle Algie had spent the majority of the break harassing him over his new apparent crush. Of course, he knew once he headed back that Seamus and Dean were going to tease him about it as well, but at least Kefira would be there to threaten them into silence.

When he arrived at King's Cross station with his grandmother, she wished him a good rest of the year and sent him on his way with Trevor resting in his pocket. He passed through the barrier only to see Kefira about to board the train.

"Kefi!" he called out to her.

Holding onto one of the handles, Kefira leaned back out of the train and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey Nevs!" She waved as he approached her. "I figured you were on the train already."

"No, Gran held me up's not important. Did you have a nice Christmas?"

"Of course." she said offering her hand to him and helping him up. "How about you? Did you get to visit your parents?"

Neville nodded. "I did."

"How are they doing?" Kefira asked.

"They're good. My mum, they let her go outside during Christmas to see the snow." Neville told her.

"Aww, I bet she loved that!" Kefira grinned. "I love snow. Did she play around in it?"

"Not too much, she did spend quite a bit of time trying to catch snowflakes in her hand."

Kefira giggled. "I tried catching them on my tongue when I was younger. I had my eyes closed and my tongue out and you know what happened?"

"You caught a snowflake on your tongue?"

"No, I got smacked in the forehead with an icicle. "Kefira admitted. "Had a pretty nasty gash and my mum was a nervous wreck for the rest of the winter."

"I guess I never really feared icicles, until now." Neville said.

"They're awesome, I used to call them ice daggers."

"You're not making them sound any less scary."

They found a compartment and settled in. "I feel really bad." Kefira told Neville as she sat beside him looking out the window.

"Why's that?"

"Because I completely forget about our little dog friend, before we left. I should have brought him some sandwiches before I left."

"Maybe some other students brought him some stuff while you were gone." Neville said. 

"I doubt it. He's really skittish around us, I don't see how he would do around other students. I guess I'll just have to make up for it with double sandwiches."

As the two sat in the compartment, Neville listened to Kefira tell him about the gift she got for Christmas from her parents. It was interesting to listen to all the muggle things she and her sisters acquired.

"And Dad and I were the only ones who made it through Mary Poppins." Kefira said with a shake of her head. "Everyone passed out once they were full of eggnog."

"What's Mary Poppins?" Neville asked.

Kefira turned to him with a shocked expression. "You don't know about Mary Poppins?" she gasped.


Suddenly, Neville found himself in a tight hug. "You poor poor deprived soul." Kefira said before pulling away leaving Neville red in the face.

"Mary Poppins is a legend! It's the best story out there!"

"Well what's it about?"

Kefira began to tell Neville all about the super nanny, the children she looked after and her friend Bert who experienced all sorts of magical little adventures under the care of the magical nanny.

"They have this one song, called Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

Neville stared at her blankly. "What? Super.."


"What does that mean?"

"I dunno." Kefira shrugged. "But it's fun to say and the song is quite fun to sing."

"Do you know it?"

"Of course. Do you want to hear it?"

"Yes." Neville smiled.

"Okay, but you're going to have to learn it and sing along too. It's not that hard to learn."

"But-" He didn't bother protesting, knowing all too well he would lose the battle for certain.

"Okay. Are you ready?"


"It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocios....Even though the sound of it is something quite                    atrocious...."

Neville grinned as Kefira started off the song for him. "If you say it loud enough, you'll always sound      precocious..........Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious."

There was a pause.

"Is that it-" Neville went to ask but Kefira continued suddenly.

"Um diddle, diddle diddle, um diddle ay...." she giggled before resting her head on his shoulder. "You'll have to see the movie..if you come over this summer, we can watch it!"

"You want me to hang out with you this summer again?"

"Of course! I had a lot of fun last summer, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did!"

"Well, if you're grandmother lets you I'm sure my family will be fine with that. I can show you my whole collection of Disney movies."


"I can show you the world ....Shining, shimmering, splendid..." Kefira sang.

"I don't know that song either."

"Not yet, but you will!"


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