Chapter One Hundred Sixteen

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"I don't know what to say about all this!" Cardel said before his voice went hoarse out of complete shock from the discovery that his dear friend was in fact a wizard and he didn't even know. "Why didn't you tell me Bandy?"

"You know the rules, especially if this one is a witch, Car." Bandile said. "We're sworn to secrecy. I couldn't just tell you, you know how much trouble I would have been in as a boy and even more when I got older and worked for the Ministry. I can't just flaunt around the fact that I'm a wizard."

"You can now!" Kefira said brightly. "Flaunt it, Bandile."

The man snorted before shaking his head. "Look, Cardel, I'm sorry but the Wizarding world has it's rules and if you don't follow them, the punishments are far more scary than what know...can come up with."

Cardel sighed. "I'm not upset...I'm just in shock, is all. I didn't expect all this. Especially since we came out here to photograph giraffes."

"And we can still do that." Bandile grinned. "But this time...we can make it easier on ourselves, now that we can use magic."

Kefira turned to Neville. "Best vacation ever."

Settled on the ground while lying on their stomachs beneath the vehicle that offered shade, Neville  and Kefira watched as Cardel and Bandile remained perfectly still as a giraffe approached the area, trying to eat from one of the trees a little ways away.

Luckily with magic, they didn't have to search on foot or do much to find the giraffes, and they were even luckier as the giraffes seem to come to them.

"Okay, I'll admit." Kefira whispered to Neville. "Giraffes are kinda cool."

Neville smiled. "Kinda? Look how tall they are!"

"I know...constant reminder that I'll never be that tall." Kefira grumbled resting her chin in her hand and looking at the animal in the distance.

The boy beside her chuckled before nudging her gently with his elbow. "I like your size."

She gave him an odd look causing Neville to go red in the face.

"I mean..." He immediately began to backtrack his statement as Kefira did her best to contain her laughter.

"I're a good height and..." Neville groaned before dropping his head to rest his arms. Kefira reached a hand out and rubbed his back. 

"Relax Neville, I'm not that upset about being fun sized. I actually enjoy it! Makes it easier to make a getaway."

"You really just like messing with me, don't you?"

"Of course, and do you know why?" She smiled.


"Because you make really cute faces when you get all flustered." Kefira said before leaning into him.

Neville couldn't help but grin to himself before they continued watching the giraffe eat.

Suddenly, the two heard something hit the top of the vehicle causing it to shake.

"What was that?" Neville asked.

"I dunno." Kefira said lifting her head only to hit it on the edge of the car. "Ow."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah lucky my hair cushioned the majority of the blow...but.."

The vehicle shook over them again.

"What is that?!"

"KEFI! NEVILLE STAY STILL!" Cardel yelled to them.

"Stay still? Stay still? Why do we have to stay still?" Neville asked in a panic tone.

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