Chapter One Hundred Twenty One

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Losing Professor Snape proved to be easier than Kefira planned it to be, but then she really wondered if the man had even thought about going after her once she left. With a shrug of her shoulders, she washed the concern away and continued on with her adventure to go school shopping alone. Making her way through the crowds of people that were also doing their last minute school shopping, Kefira had to make sure to dodge appropriately or she was at risk of being squished. She had grown in height but she wasn't a match for the tall wizards that were strolling about.

Pulling the list from her pocket, Kefira began reading over the supplies she was going to need for the upcoming year.

"So many more books." She groaned. "Aren't the other ones enough?"


Spinning around, a smile formed on her face as she saw Neville standing behind her with his grandmother behind him.

"Kefi!" He said with a brighter smile as she smiled at him.

"Hi Neville!" She walked over to him quickly, nearly crashing into someone. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm shopping for school supplies. Mostly books, apparently, according to this list. As if we don't have enough!"

"Who are you here with?" Neville asked suddenly noticing that she was alone. His face was scrunched up in concern, especially since he realized that Kefira never really did her school shopping in Diagon Alley. Normally, it was Professor Snape that would send it to her through the post. "You're not here alone, are you?"

"Well..." Kefira gave him an innocent smile.

"A child walking around Diagon Alley alone?" Augusta said in a flabbergasted tone. "Who would do such a thing?! Your parents allowed you to come here alone?"

"No," Kefira said. " My parents sent me here with Professor Snape. But he decided to be a jerk, so here I am."

"Professor Snape is around here?" Neville glanced around nervously.

"Unfortunately." Kefira mumbled. "Hopefully, he's still where I ditched him."

Augusta didn't have the look of approval on her face by what the child before had informed her about leaving the professor, but she couldn't ignore the look on Neville's face as he looked around in fear at the mention of the man's name.

"Well, I'm certainly not going to let you walk alone here, you never know who is walking about. You two come with me and let's get your school supplies."

Kefira and Neville smiled at each other as Augusta led the way through the crowds without hesitation.

"Your grandmother is pretty cool, Nevs." Kefira told him as they walked alongside of each other.

"She .....she is...isn't she? So what did Professor Snape do that made you leave him?"

"Come on, Nevs, you know how he is. He's just...he's so miserable to be around. I felt bad for him in the beginning, I really did. I tried to figure out what made him to be that way. Hoping to help him, you know? But I don't know, maybe he just doesn't want help. Maybe he just wants to be miserable for the rest of his life."

"At least you tried, Kefira. You can't say you didn't." Neville said. "I think it's great that you tried to be nice to him, but maybe you're right. Maybe there is no helping him."

"It's a shame though. I thought he would be really cool to be around. I thought he was funny in the beginning."

"I think you were the only one who thought that."

Kefira really grew to enjoy Augusta's company as the woman brought them in and out of the shops. People quickly made way for the woman and her flamboyant clothing, and after the two had collected their books, she offered them to gather lunch.

"Are you two ready for your fourth year?" The woman asked them as they sat across from her.

Neville nodded while Kefira giggled, which wasn't the answer that the older woman was looking for.

"I mean..." Kefira cleared her throat. "I'm so get my study on."

Neville couldn't help but laugh beside her causing his grandmother to shake her head.

"Well, this is going to be an exciting year for you two. For all the students of Hogwarts." Augusta said.

"It is?" Kefira and Neville furrowed their brows at the woman.

"Why is that?"

"You'll find out. Now eat! And elbows off the table, Neville!"

"How did you lose her?!" Cardel snapped at the Professor on his doorstep. "She was your responsibility! That's my child and you come here to tell me, she's missing! Why aren't you out there looking for her!"

"I-" Professor Snape remained on the doorstep with an annoyed expression as he tried to explain to the parents what had happened in Diagon Alley which had caused him to lose the demon child.

However, the parents didn't let him say anything once they realized that Kefira was missing.

"You have magic, do something!" Alana said as Rosemary tried to restrain her mother from attack the man.

"What's going on here?" Everyone became silent as Kefira appeared behind the professor.

"Ho-" The group stared at her.

Kefira glanced at Professor Snape.

"Where have you been?!" Alana grabbed her arm and yanked her inside, hugging her tightly to her chest. "I was with Neville, Mum, and his grandmother. They're outside and I...I...I can't breathe!"

"You had me worried sick! Why would you wander off? Why would...Oh I'm so glad you're okay!" Alana planted kisses all over the girl's head.


Cardel turned to Snape. "You can leave now."

The man said no more as he turned around, he saw Neville standing in the distance with Augusta Longbottom standing in front of him as well.

Neville quickly averted his gaze to the ground causing the professor to look away before leaving.

Rosemary walked outside where the Longbottoms were.

"You all are welcome to stay for dinner if you'd like." She told them. " parents would like to thank you for watching over Kefira. We know she can be a bit of a handful."

Augusta gave the young woman a look.

"That's an understatement, if I've ever heard one."

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