Chapter One Hundred Five

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The morning that the Walsh family was set out for their vacation with Neville in their company, turned out to be quite the chaotic one. With Rosemary, Nellie and Lottie running around along with Alana trying to pack things last minute and Cardel trying to avoid all the craziness, he left to wake up the youngest.

Kefira was sound asleep beneath her covers, her red hair poking out and all over the place as Cardel approached her. She and Neville had another late evening the night before with Disney movies. She had successfully shown the boy her entire Disney collection along with a few other favorites to the point where Neville had developed the Disney spirit. He understood references that Kefira made and even learned some of the songs to sing along with the girl.

He walked over and sat on the bed before gently shaking Kefira awake.

"Come on, sweetheart, time to get up."

"Five more minutes?"

"No, not today." Cardel chuckled. "Have you forgotten that we are running on a schedule today?"

Kefira suddenly sat up in her bed, her hair falling into her face calling her to gag slightly.

"We're leaving today!" she cheered happily.

"Yes, we are! Now your mother and sisters are up and already not in the greatest of moods, so do your best to avoid them."

"Will do."

"Why don't you go wake Neville up and have breakfast downstairs? Before your mother comes in here and pesters you about what you've already packed."

"Okay!" Kefira scrambled out of the bed and left the bedroom, skipping down the hall, only to come to a skidded halt outside of the guest bedroom. She knocked on the door but didn't get an answer before she opened the door to find Neville still asleep.

A mischievous grin appeared on her face before walked over and climbed the bed. She began to bounce up and down startling Neville awake, to the point where the boy rolled out of the bed onto the floor.

"Oops. Are you okay, Nevs?"

Neville glanced up to see her on the bed looking down at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What are you doing?"

"Waking you up. Everyone else is awake. Dad says we should go downstairs and eat some breakfast. Mum and my sisters have already gone mental this morning, so it's best if we avoid them at all cost."

"O-oh okay."

"Come on!" she jumped down from the bed and left the room.

Neville stood up and went to leave the room but Kefira reappeared poking her head back into the doorway, scaring him yet again.

"Ha, sorry!" she laughed. "I was just going to ask if you liked syrup on your pancakes?"


"Hmm..I probably should have offered that after I checked to see if we still had any. Lottie is a total syrup hog. You can hear her pancakes screaming as she drowns them."

Neville's eyes widened slightly before he followed the girl out of the room.

Sitting outside on the front porch with plates of pancakes, Neville smiled to himself as he watched Kefira feed Loxie the owl several pieces of pancake that the owl seemed to enjoy quite a bit.

"Are owls supposed to eat pancakes?" he asked at one point.

"Well, I'm not going to be the one to tell Loxie no. Do you want to tell her?"

The owl turned her head in Neville's direction.


"So are you excited for the trip?" she asked him before shoving another piece of pancake in her mouth.

"Yes!" he nodded his head eagerly. " I..I've never traveled this way before."

"You've never been on a plane...wait dumb question, why would wizards travel by plane where there are so many easier ways. Duh Kefi." she hit her forehead with the palm of her hand.

"Are planes scary to be on?" he questioned looking up to the sky.

"Nah, I think they're pretty fun."

"You find a lot of things fun that I don't." he chuckled.

"Well, I like them. But my mum is afraid of them. She doesn't like take off or landing. So I'll make you a deal, Neville."

"What's that?"

"I'm going to offer you the same thing that my dad offers my mum when they get on the plane."


"Whenever you get scared, just grab my hand like this." She reached over and grabbed his hand intertwining her fingers with his.  "And squeeze however hard you need to."

"But won't that hurt you?" Neville asked her worried.

"No, not at all." she smiled reassuringly. "Remember, just squeeze whenever you feel scared or nervous. It'll remind you that I'm right next to you and I won't let anything bad happen to you, Neville. I promise."

Neville looked down to her hand that held his and smiled feeling relief over his entire body.

" the way, I have syrup on this"

The two pulled their hands away to feel the stickiness of the syrup.

Kefira cleared her throat as Neville tried to wipe the syrup off his hand but was unsuccessful as it only made his clothes sticky as well.

"The bright side to this situation is, we smell delicious."

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