Chapter One Hundred Sixty Six

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The hate mail continued to pour in for Hermione but for every letter that the girl received, Kefira had no problem conducting Howlers and for every miserable person that sent the girl a Howler, Kefira sent them two in return. It was to the point where Kefira nearly lost her complete voice and for a couple of days, it was just down to a small whisper. To help, she recruited Ginny, who had no problem dealing out her voice for a howler or two. 

It was odd to have a quiet Kefira among the group and Madam Pomfrey gave the girl a remedy to soothe her throat, but Kefira continued to try and help Hermione, leaving the effectiveness of the remedy quite pointless. Neville didn't like hearing the faint whisper or the hoarseness to Kefira's voice, he just made him think that she was sick, so during meal times, he would bring her over a cup of tea with some lemon. It was something his grandmother had done for him plenty of times when he was younger.

"You should give those Howlers a rest," Neville advised her, one evening in the Common Room. Kefira was resting in an armchair with one of her blankets draped over her and her feet scrunched up beside her. "You don't want to strain your roar, do you?"

The girl smiled at him before letting out a small shake of her head. "No," her voice cracked as she let out a small cough. "But I told you, it's completely worth it. I don't like bullies and people who treat others badly. They all deserve those howlers and more. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out a way to stuff myself into an envelope, but you bet your socks that when I figure it out...people are going to have another thing coming, Nevs. Just you wait."

"KefiMail?" Neville chuckled moving over to sit on the arm of the chair as he looked at her.

"Or Roarers," she suggested. "ManeMail?"

The two continued to discuss the possible names of what would replace the Howlers until Kefira fell asleep and finally gave her voice some well-needed rest.

Professor Trelawney's class was becoming Kefira's favorite class, not because she had changed her mind about Professor Trelawney or Divination, however, the professor kept the class so warm. The fireplace often caused the other students to complain, but it was the only classroom where Kefira wasn't shivering half the time. The dungeons for Potion were always cold, which she assumed was to match Professor Snape's frigid personality. 

Professor Moody caused her to shiver but it didn't have anything to do with feeling cold.  At least, she could slack off and be warm in Divination. Nothing ever really exciting happened in that class. 

Unless it involved Harry Potter, which it always did.

Kefira was fumbling with a loose part of her shoelace as Professor Trelawney went on about Mars and something about it showing off its magnificent angles off to Neptune. She snorted to herself several times when it came to the woman's wording of the planets until the lamps were dimmed down and the fire became the main source of light. She directed everyone's attention to the miniature model of the planets to observe, however, she entertained herself with one of her curls.

She pulled it down and let curl bounce before she pulled it back down again.  It provided her a source of entertainment for awhile until she was startled by the sound of Harry yelling out as he fell to the floor.

The entire class became alert and moved closer to the boy as he squirmed around on the floor, almost jerking in pain. His hand gripped over where his scar was causing all the students to exchange nervous looks. 

Ron knelt down by his best friend's side as the professor made her way over. Ron called to Harry until the boy woke up and looked around. His eyes glistened in the lighting as they were watery and on the verge of tears. 

While everyone seemed concerned, Professor Trelawney seemed oddly excited about the boy who seemed mighty shaken.

Ron asked him if he was alright but before he could answer the woman butted in, nearly knocking him over. 

"Of course he isn't! What was it, Potter? A premonition? An apparition? What did you see?"

Kefira reached her hand out and tapped the woman in the stomach giving her a look about her lack of sensitivity. 

Harry claimed that it was nothing but she was not about to let it go. However, Harry was persistent and said it was only a headache that he needed to get checked out in the Hospital Wing. 

The class remained silent and awkward after the boy left until it ended, leaving everyone to shuffle out quickly as soon as the bell rang.

"You have to feel bad for the boy, it sounded like he was in pain," Kefira said as she sat in the common room with the three boys. She was working on the Charms assignment was due soon as they discussed what had happened to Harry during the class.

"It's a scar, how bad can it hurt?" Seamus said. "Trelawney's a nutter."

"But it's not like it's a normal scar, Seamus," Dean reminded him. "You-know-who gave him that scar, right? It could have hurt him."

"You heard him, he said it was a headache."

"A foreheadache," Kefira said. "He was gripping it while he was on the floor. I don't think it was a coincidence. "

"Well, what do you think it is?" Seamus questioned her in a mocking tone. "Since the Great Walsh seems to know all."

He was leaning quite close to her with a feigned look of concern until she flicked him hard on the forehead.

"OW!" His hands reached up and placed his hands on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?" She questioned in the same mocking tone. "Well, maybe now you can sympathize with Harry a bit better."

Leaving the Common Room to find Professor Flitwick to ask him a question pertaining to the assignment, she was walking down the corridor when she heard a familiar voice singing loudly. She furrowed her brow for a moment as she became still and looked around. 

"What in fresh..." She took a familiar path down a small passageway and came upon Godric singing loudly in his frame. "You seem to be in a festive mood!"

"Why would I not be?" Godric questioned her in return. "Today marks the day that I died."

Kefira's eyes grew wide. "Well, that's not morbid at all."

"No, not at all. You see because on this day, young one, I look back and reflect on my most cherished memories."

"You know you can do that all year around, right?"

He didn't seem to be listening to her as he continued rambling on. "It is my day of birth and day of death that I choose to reflect, other days I am far too busy with other matters...."

Kefira glanced around. "Like hanging around?"


"Well, when's your birthday, that should be a fun day to celebrate."

" I was born in the evening of late summer..."

" too!"

Godric smiled before he gave her a wink.

"Were you not on your way to do something before stopping to visit me?"

"Yeah well...that can wait. So, tell me some of these memories that you're reflecting on..."

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