Chapter Eighty One

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Seamus and Dean returned to the Common Room later on that day to find Neville still on the sofa, sitting in the same place, but Kefira nowhere in sight. Neville's cheeks were red but he seemed to be in a good mood as there was a pleasant smile on his face.

Seamus turned to Dean who shrugged as his answer as to what was going on.

"Uh..Neville?" Dean called out to the boy but Neville didn't respond.

"What's wrong with him?" Seamus whispered.

"You do realize that I've been with you the entire time, right? How am I supposed to know?" Dean whispered back to him. 

"I was only asking!"

The two boys walked and sat on either side of Neville before Seamus reached out and poked Neville in the face, but just as he set out to poke him, Neville turned his head. So instead, Neville was poked in the eye.

Neville cried out while Seamus began apologizing, leaving Dean to shake his head on the sofa.

"Sorry!" Seamus said. "I was just checking to make sure you weren't broken!"

"By poking me in the eye?!"

"I wasn't going for your eye!"

"Why were you poking me!"

"Because you weren't responding to your name!"


The boys turned to see Ginny. "Sorry, couldn't resist." she laughed. "What's going on here?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Dean replied calmly. "When we walked in here, Neville looked like he was under some spell..."

Seamus suddenly grinned. " A love spell..."

Neville's face flushed a bright red.

"Ooh I was right, see?!" Seamus laughed.

"Shut up, Seamus, leave him alone!" Ginny shoved him aside.

"So you're alright, right?" Dean asked Neville. "That was my main concern."

"I'm fine." Neville told him. "It's just...Kefira kissed me and.."

"WHAT?!" The other three said together.

Neville scooted away from them.

 "It was just on the cheek, I swear!"

Kefira walked out of the shower room and into the dorms, her hair dripping wet when Faye approached her.

"Is it true?"

Kefira raised a brow. "Is this supposed to be some sort of self incriminating  ploy?" Kefira asked glancing around.

"Did you kiss Neville?" Faye asked.

The girl seemed completely caught off guard by the question. "Wh- well yeah, I did but on the cheek...I was just saying thank you. Why are you looking at me like that?!"

Faye had the widest grin on her face. "Oh no reason...but I guess what Professor Trelawney was right in her predictions."


"You're in love."

Kefira stopped dropping her hands and towel to her side. "What? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds, Faye? Honestly, I'm not in love with anyone."

"You love Neville." Faye smiled.

"Of course I do. I love all of you guys, you're my best friends. But I'm not in love with any of you..I'm thirteen for goodness sakes! The only thing I'm in love with is ice cream."

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