Chapter Nineteen

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Neville bit his lower lip knowing the worse was to come. Kefira was confident and strong, but Draco was all sorts of mean and nasty.

Draco continued to glare down at Kefira until Kefira shot her hand up.

"Aren't you going to help me up?" she asked the boy.

Draco's mouth dropped as if Kefira asked the most disgusting question ever.

"Help the likes of you?" Draco spat. "I don't help your kind!"

"My kind?" Kefira repeated narrowing her eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"

In a split second, the girl was one her feet and in the blonde's face. Neville watched on in horror, unable to call out to her to back down and just walk away.

"What's exactly my kind?" 

"The kind that don't belong at this school. You have no magic-" Draco snarled at her.

"Really..because my wand says otherwise." Kefira countered.

"Your blood-"

"Is none of your concern." she said darkly. "My blood is my business, not yours. And another thing, I have every right to be at this school just as much as anyone else and that includes you. I got my letter and learn the same thing as everyone else. Doesn't matter if my blood is considered pure, half or-"


Neville wasn't sure what Kefira was going to say but he quickly realized how Kefira normally solved the majority of her problems.

And it normally didn't involve using words.

"Kefi wait don't-"Neville called out to her to have her avoid punching him. He didn't want her to get in trouble especially because of someone like Draco.

Kefira turned around and looked at him.

He waved his hands as a signal, but she quickly turned back to Draco.

"You're lucky, I was this close to punching you in the face." Kefira warned Draco.

"Oh I'm so scared. Thank you for sparing me." Draco mocked her. "OWWWW!"

Neville's eyes widened, Kefira hadn't punched Draco in the face, but she did stomp on his foot really hard.

The boy grabbed his foot and hopped around, while Kefira crossed her arms triumphantly.

"You'll regret that!" Draco told her angrily.

"Oh I'm so scared." Kefira said with an eye roll. "Come on Neville." she held her hand out to him.

Neville looked to where Draco was still hopping around.

"It's okay," she reassured him, " come on."

He took her hand and allowed her to lead the way away from the howling boy.

"I thought you were really going to punch him in the face." Neville said running alongside of her.

"Well, I wanted to!" Kefira laughed.

"What if you get into trouble?" he asked her nervously.

Kefira shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time."

Back in the Gryffindor Common Room, Kefira found Faye and filled her in on what had happened with Draco.

"You shouldn't have hit him." Faye told her.

"I didn't." Kefira said. 

"But you just said-"

"I never hit him, I stomped him." she giggled. "Besides, he deserved it. He's one of those people that think the only thing that matters is blood. It's ridiculous. The only people who should care about blood is those working in the medical field...or vampires. Other than that, it's no one concern."

Seamus and Dean came in.

"Heard you knocked Malfoy in the mouth." Dean said.

"No I didn't. I just jammed my foot down on his."

"Well, that's not the rumor going around the halls." Seamus grinned.

Neville frowned hoping his friend wasn't about to get into serious trouble.

So far, Kefira wasn't approached by any Professor or staff pertaining to the incident, but she did receive a high five from Harry and Ron in passing.

It was All Hallows Eve, which meant there was a big feast and celebration in the Great Hall that evening, much to Kefira's delight.

The Great Hall was decorated in candy-filled pumpkins, bats, orange streamers hung against the walls and dangling from the ceilings and cauldrons filled with large lollipops.

"Oooh yes!" Kefira said grabbing a handful of candy. "Mum would be livid if she found out I was eating candy before dinner."

Faye looked to the amount of candy collected in the girl's hands.

"You're not planning on eating all that candy are you?" she asked.

"I grabbed it didn't I?"

"You going to get a wicked bellyache." Faye told her.

"Don't ruin this for me." Kefira said before popping a chocolate in her mouth as she sat down.

Suddenly, something fell into her lap.

She looked down and giggled.

"Well Happy Halloween to you, Trevor." she looked over to Neville who was currently drowning himself in pumpkin juice.

'Hey Neville have you seen Trevor lately?"

"No, I can't say I have, I was going to look for him in the dorms when the feast was over." he said.

"Well, look no further." she said lifting Trevor up.

"I'm beginning to wonder if the toad belongs to you," Dean said leaning into Neville, " or Kefi."

"You and me both." Neville replied.

Everything seemed to be going just right when suddenly, the doors to the Great Hall burst open. Professor Quirrell came running in screaming.


"There is something really off about that man." Kefira whispered to Faye as Quirrell passed them.

"There's a troll in dungeon!"

The Great Hall fell silent as they all stared at the man.

"Thought you ought to know." he said before fainting to the floor.

Kefira flinched as she heard the thud. 

"Ooooh, that sounded painful."

Dumbledore had everyone return to the common rooms while they sorted out the situation.

"Aww." Kefira pouted. "Stupid troll."

She quickly began shoving loads of candy int he pockets of her robes.

"Kefi!" Faye called to her.

"I'm coming!"

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