Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven

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Even though there weren't that many additional students added to the Hogwarts mix, Kefira was all too distracted by the new arrivals during dinner. Especially as one girl made her way over to borrow some of the fish stew that Kefira ended up spitting back down onto her plate after shoving a spoonful into her mouth. She had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes and reminded Kefira of one of the dolls she had when she was younger, but ended up throwing up into a tree trying to make the doll fly but only causing it to get stuck. Once she thought about it, she realized she never went back for the doll. She wondered if it was still in the tree.

She heard some of the other Gryffindors, including Ron talking about the girl, claiming she was a Veela.

"What's that?" Kefira asked Neville curiously watching as the girl returned to her seat.

"They're said to be really beautiful women that hold special magic that witches and wizards can't even perform. My Gran told me that they could shoot fire from their hands and they can turn their faces to look like birds when they're upset."

"That cool." Kefira said. "I've been missing out on so much."

"They had Veelas at the Quidditch Cup." Dean said. "Distracted plenty of the players, remember, Seamus?"

"Yeah,' Seamus said, " I saw one man about fall out of the stands trying to touch one of their heads. It was great."

"So they use their looks to do stuff?" Kefira questioned.

"It's supposed to put men into a trance." Seamus said. "Like you're supposed to want to be near them and want to do stuff for them...I dunno. I didn't feel any different at the Quidditch Cup."

"Neither did I." Dean admitted bring Kefira to grin widely and look in the direction of Neville, who automatically knew what she was thinking of. 

"That doesn't mean anything, Kefi." He whispered to her.

"It means everything!"

The two were interrupted as Dumbledore stood to announce two newcomers that Kefira didn't recognize either. Of course, it seemed the students around did know who one of the men was especially, leaving her to feel like she really did miss out on plenty when it came to being raised in a non-magical household. Not that it really bothered her, she wouldn't have traded her childhood for anything in the world. 

Neville was kind enough to explain who people were though, which made her incredibly grateful for his company. 

The first was Bartemius Crouch and he was the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. The second man was Ludo Bagman, and he was Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. There was a noticeable difference between the applause for both men, Ludo's being much louder. Neville explained it was because Ludo was a famed Beater for the Wimbourne Wasps.

They along with the headmasters and headmistress would be on the panel of judges for the Tournament as announced by Dumbledore, who then asked Filch to bring out a casket.

"This is taking a morbid turn, don't you think?" Kefira said to herself.

But the casket wasn't what Kefira expected it to be as Filch brought it out. Dumbledore opened it and rather than having a body jump out, the man reached in and pulled out a goblet. It didn't look like much, with the exception of the blue flames emitting from it.

"I wasn't expecting that." She watched as Dumbledore set the Goblet down and turned back to the student body.

"Anybody wishing to submit themselves as champion must write their name and school clearly upon a slip of parchment and drop it into the goblet. Aspiring champions have twenty-four hours in which to put their names forward," Dumbledore said.

He proceeded to explain that tomorrow night would be the drawing of the names and the goblet would remain in the Entrance Hall, open to all those able to enter. It seemed like an incredible idea, but Kefira soon learned that not everyone would be able to participate in entering.

There were be an Age Line drawn around the goblet to keep those underage wizards from participating. The rule was only met with protest from younger students that had been wishing to enter.

"Awww, well, I guess it's a good thing I can't enter right?" Kefira chuckled looking to her friends. "I think I've caused enough stress for my parents for the first couple of years I've been here. I can just see my mother's face if she heard about this.  She would be the first muggle at Hogwarts, somehow finding a way to drag me right home."

Neville laughed along with Dean while Seamus shook his head with a grin. 

"The sad thing is," Neville began, " I can actually see your mother doing that. She would be the first muggle to find Hogwarts."

"What a scary thought." Kefira shuddered. "Yeah, that would definitely deter me from entering."

That evening, sitting by the fire, Kefira had managed to snag one of Neville's jumpers from the boy and was sitting beside Ginny as the group discussed the tournament.

"I already know Fred and George are going to do something stupid." Ginny said. "I'm calling it now."

"Stupid probably, but I bet you anything it's going to be entertaining." Kefira replied. "I'm looking forward to it."

She looked up at Neville who was sitting on the sofa while she sat on the floor before him and smiled. 

"I have a feeling this is going to be a very interesting year for all of us."

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