Chapter Seventy Five

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Kefira watched as her cauldron was dumped out for probably the millionth time that evening.

"Great." she grumbled under her breath. "Just great." 

Professor Snape brought it back to her and set it down.

"Again." he said before leaving to his desk.

"Is this how you became a potions master, by being served a thousand detentions and having someone pour out your cauldron every time you made a mistake?"

Professor Snape turned around to face her. "I became a potions master because I listened. And because I listened, I learned. Unlike you, if you paid attention you would learn as well. But all you want to do is have fun."

"I don't see the problem in wanting to have fun in life." Kefira said. "After all, you only get one chance to live it and if you spend it being miserable all the time what's the point of living?"

"The point is to know when to have fun and when to focus and be serious. You only want to have fun all the time."

"And you always want to be serious all the time. So what's your point?"

Professor Snape turned to face his desk again. "I will not ask you again to keep quiet for the remainder of this detention. Perhaps if you kept your mouth shut, you would be done by now."

"Perhaps if someone stopped pouring my cauldron and making me start over again, I would be done by now."

"That's another detention." Professor Snape said.

"No shock factor there."

"Do you want to add on another night?"

"Do you want to add on another night?" Kefira challenged. "After all, you seemed to be so bothered by my presence and yet you instant on giving me detentions which involves me being in your company for the majority of the night!"

"Trust me, if I got what I wanted, you would have long been expelled."

Kefira sat back on her chair, folding her arms across her chest, not wanting to start the potion over again. 

"I don't know why you hate me so much." she said loud enough for him to hear.

He said nothing in response as he returned back to his own work of grading second year reports. 

Kefira sighed and continued on with her work.

By the time she had finished it, he had finished his grading. He looked up to see her sound asleep, using her potions book as a pillow.

With little sleep and Professor Snape's words still running in her head the next day, Kefira was not in the greatest of moods. Luckily for her though, she knew she had Halloween to look forward to, so it motivator her throughout the day to keep somewhat of a smile on her face.

She found herself sitting in front of Godric's portrait, patiently awaiting him to return as he was off visiting another frame.

'Well, I did not expect to see you back so soon."

Kefira looked up and smiled to see the  fiery hair man had returned.

"What brings you back here, child? You have entire castle and it's grounds to keep you amused and yet I find you here awaiting my company."

"I guess you're good company." Kefira said.

"What is your real reasoning?"

"I don't think anyone really wants me around them right now. Everyone's been acting so weird, and I can't remember doing anything wrong. But when I ask, all they say is, it's nothing. So what am I supposed to do?"

"You don't need the company of others to enjoy your time. If you cannot enjoy spending quality time alone with yourself, perhaps you should work on that."

Kefira grinned. "I guess you're right."

"Well of course I am. I'm Godric Gryffindor."

"You're conceited." Kefira laughed.

Rather than seek out her friends to join in on the adventure, Kefira set out on her own. She walked outside the castle, some lightly fresh snow on the ground from the morning still laid upon the ground. At first, she wasn't sure what to do, but then she caught sight of some little animal prints in the snow. 

They looked like dog prints.

So, she began to follow them.

Faye approached the boys that afternoon as she found them in the library working.

"Have you all seen, Kefi?" she asked.

"No." the three answered.

"Is everything okay?" Neville asked her in return.

"I guess so but I haven't seen her all day really. Hermione said she seemed to be in a foul mood."

"She spent the night with Professor Snape, I'd be in a foul mood too."  Seamus replied.

"Well, you guys haven't been talking to her much, maybe you hurt her feelings." Faye said.

"That's not our fault, blame this one here." Seamus pointed to Neville.

"What? Why?" Faye asked confused. "You're the closest to Kefira out of all of us."

Neville frowned. "It is my fault." he said.

"But why? Are you avoiding her or something?"

He nodded. "Because I called her pretty." he told her quietly.

Faye stood in front of them confused. "Okay? And?"

"When did you become so dense, Faye?" Seamus shook his head. "He likes Kefi!"

"No! I didn't say that!" Neville waved his hands as Faye grinned at him.

"You didn't have to, Neville, it's obvious. You got a crush on her." Seamus laughed until Faye placed her hand over the boy's mouth.

"It's okay, Neville." she said kindly. "It's not a crime to have a crush on somebody."

Neville lowered his head onto the table. 

"I don't feel so good."

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