Chapter Ten

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The Gryffindor Tower, otherwise would be known as the  Common Room to the new Gryffindors, was everything Kefira had hoped for and more. Still slightly chilled by her lake experience, the roaring fires welcomed her with sudden warmth as soon as she stepped through the portrait known as the Fat Lady.

"Why do they call you the Fat Lady?" Kefira stopped to ask the portrait.

The woman gave her a look. "Isn't it obvious, my dear?"

"Do you like being called the Fat Lady? Don't you have a name?"

The black haired woman lowered herself to Kefira's eye level.

"Elizabeth." she said before straightening herself back up.

"Come on Kefi,"Dean said grabbing her by the wrist and dragging to where the other students were. The female prefect pointed the girls in the direction of their dorms while the prefect led the boys in the opposite direction.

But Kefira wasn't ready to head to bed just yet.

She watched as the rest of the first year students left up to the dorms to find their beds and belongings, while the older students hung around downstairs.

The room was circular, with a large fireplace covering one of the walls. Near the fire and spread out through the room were several armchairs and sofas that looked incredibly comfortable.

She walked over and immediately hopped onto one of the armchairs, looking over the back admiring the scarlet tapestries that lined the walls with all sorts of animals.

Her eyes settled on the lion immediately and she knew she couldn't wait to tell her parents and her sisters about how amazing the experience had been and it was only the first evening there.

"Why do I feel like you're going to be trouble?"

She turned her head to see the female prefect from earlier watching her from the entrance of the girl's dormitory.

"I didn't do anything." Kefira said.

"You're supposed to upstairs with the other girls!" she pointed up the staircase.

"Why? So I can admire my bed?"

"Get upstairs! I won't hesitate to deduct points from you!"

"What does that even matter?" Kefira grumbled passing her. 

When Kefira had made her way to the dorms, she found her trunk and other belongings bedside a bed, while a few other girls were already on their claimed beds.

She walked over and sat down on the edge looking at the other girls. One of them glanced up from her trunk and looked over at her with a smile.

"Kefira isn't it?"

"Yeah, you're Padma?"

"Close, I'm Parvati. Padma is my twins."


"It's okay, it's easy to get us mixed up, but Padma was sorted into Ravenclaw."

"That must be tough, I'm sorry."

"No, it's a good thing to me." Parvati told her. "This way no one will mix us up all the time. Even though I'm sure they still will.It's not easy having an identical twin..."

Kefira grinned. "It's okay, my sisters Nellie and Lottie, aren't even twins but my parents still mix them up on the occasion."

"Are they your only siblings?"

"No, there's Rosemary, she's the oldest. Then Nellie, Lottie and then there's me. All girls."


"Yeah," Kefira dug into her trunk and pulled out a picture of her family from the year they vacationed in South Africa handing it to Parvati.

"That's them."

Parvati glanced over the photo and then looked up Kefira, going back and forth trying to figure out how the girl looked so different from her siblings.

"It's alright, I already know what you're going to say." Kefira laughed laying back on her bed. "I don't look like my family."

"Well, you resemble your father a lot more, but the red hair-"

"I get it from my mother's Irish side."

"But you have more of your father's complexion,"


"That's really cool." Parvati told her handing back the photo.


Another girl walked over and introduced herself as Lavender Brown. Kefira recognized her as the first girl to be sorted into Gryffindor.

She seemed like a nice enough sort to Kefira, however, it seemed like Parvati and Lavender had become fast friends prior to becoming roommates.

Glancing around the room, she caught of the bushy haired girl from earlier, remembering her name as Hermione. Even though it was late in the evening, the girl was propped up leaning against the headboard of her bed, reading.

It appeared as though she did not want to be disturbed as she kept her face hidden, blocking out any conversation the girls were having.

Then off to the side of Kefira's bed another girl was sitting, quietly looking around the room as well until she met Kefira's gaze.

Kefira leaned off her bed and offered her hand.


"Faye." the girl introduced herself. She had long black hair, that stood out against her ruddy complexion.

"I like your name." Kefira told her. "It means fairy right?"

Faye nodded. "My mother named me after Morgan Le Fay, why she decided to name me after the darkest witch of the middle ages still confuses me. What does Kefira mean?"

"Little lion." Kefira said with a proud grin.

"That makes sense." Faye said. "Now I can see why you roared when you were sorted into Gryffindor. That was great by the way."

"What's the point of becoming a lion if no one can hear your roar?" Kefira said.

Startling the other three girls in the room, Faye and Kefira began roaring at each other while imitating lions.

Hermione lowered her book only so that her eyes were shown, shaking her head in disapproval.

"You two are going to get in trouble." she told them.

"Sorry, couldn't hear you over the mighty roar!" Kefira called to her.

"I said-" But Hermione was drowned out by Faye's attempt at a roar.

"Come on give it a try!" Kefira encouraged the other girls.

Parvati seemed embarrassed at first, but let out a small roar before she fell into a fit of giggles. Lavender tried next, but hers came out more as a screech making all the girls laugh, except Hermione.

The four turned to the girl expectantly waiting for her to try.

Hermione glanced at the four before lifting her book back up and ignoring them.

"She should have been sorted into Ravenclaw.' Parvati mumbled.

Suddenly, one of the prefect girls made their way into the room.

"What are you all doing up here?!"

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