Chapter Forty Nine

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"Another student attacked...I don't believe it." Professor McGonagall stated as she stood in the Hospital Wing among the other Hogwarts staff members that arrived. The newest victim was yet another member of the Gryffindor house and the Head of the House was quite upset. Especially since the students petrified were quite young, Colin being a first year, and Kefira being a second year.

"I'll have to notify her parents." she said, but she knew the parents were going to be in an uproar, they had next to no knowledge of magic. The description of petrification would certainly leave them in a horrible state of mind. The children appeared dead in their permanent rigor mortis state. Left in the positions in which the creature had found them. Unlike, Colin's face of pure terror, Kefira's face only held confusion.

"Do you think that's a good idea? They'll probably pull her right out once...." Professor Sprout was unable to finish her sentence as McGonagall shook her head.

"I have no choice. It's their right to know."

The two women looked down when they heard a hiccup. They saw Neville, his face soaked with tears as he looked at his friend in her petrified state. He had insisted on going to see her but it was quite obvious that it all too much for the boy to handle.

"It's going to be alright.." Professor Sprout attempted to comfort him with several pats on the back. 

"No, this is all my fault."

"Oh don't talk like that, there was nothing you could do about this-" she tried to reassure him but Neville shook his head profusely.

"It was my fault! I didn't stick up for myself. So...she did. She always does and...then she got upset and left."

"Listen here, it's not your fault. What happened here shouldn't have happened, but it has nothing to do with you."

"But it does-"

"No, it doesn't, Mr. Longbottom." Professor Sprout said resting both hands on the boy's shoulders and making him look at her.

"She's going to be okay, right? She'll be back on her feet in no time?"

The professor swallowed, she wished that was the case, but the victims of the monster would have to wait on the Mandrake Restorative Draught.

They were interrupted by the sound of  footsteps coming through the wing, and everyone turned to see Professor Snape and Lockhart arrive.

"We heard there was another attack!" Professor Lockhart said.

Neville went from feeling sad to feeling angry as he saw excitement on the man's face as if all of what happened was just some big opportunity for him.

"Who is it?" Lockhart asked.

Everyone parted to let the men see.

Severus remained still, his expression remaining blank as he saw the young girl lying on the back, as stiff as a board. It was the first person he should have expected, but it was the last person he had expected to be attacked. The way she had stormed out of the Dueling Club meeting, alone. She had probably walked right into the monster.

"Where was she found?" he finally brought himself to ask.

"Sitting in one of the window seats. Professor Flitwick was the one who found her."

"This is all your fault!"

Everyone fell silent as all eyes fell on Neville. The boy was breathing heavily as he glared at Professor Snape. 

"If you weren't so mean to her, she wouldn't have left! She would have been okay!" he cried.

Snape didn't respond as the professors turned to him, he only kept his eyes on the Longbottom boy who wasn't finished just yet.

"You could have saved her from all of this!"

"Professor McGonagall," a voice rang out.

Everyone turned to see Professor Dumbledore walk in. "If you would be so kind to escort Mr. Longbottom here back to the Gryffindor Tower."

"Yes." McGonagall nodded her head and placed her hand on Neville's back ushering him forward. "Come along."

"Severus..." Dumbledore said walking over to him.  The man had yet to speak since Neville decided to go off of him.

The Potions master turned to the headmaster but remained silent. Dumbledore saw the haunting look in his eye before Severus turned away from him, his eyes settling back on the young girl. Dumbledore peered down at Kefira's body that was tucked under a cover, her eyes still open, her last confused thought written across her face.

Her green eyes were looking out at nothing, peeking out behind the red curls that had fallen into her face.

"Allow me to write the letter home to her parents explaining the situation." Severus said suddenly.

"Normally that duty would rest on Minevra or myself...but I will allow you to write to the Walsh family as they know you better."

"Well, I guess this means you're going to have to reschedule her detention, huh Severus?" Lockhart mused, but he let out a pitiful squeak as Severus was in his face in a second with a deadly glare. In a moment, he whipped back his robes and left the Hospital Wing, leaving Lockhart to collect him as his legs were shaking.

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