Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two

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Augusta Longbottom couldn't find much to complain about within the Walsh family. Kefira, of course, was always loud and sometimes....most times started fights among her sisters for pure amusement whereas the rest of the family was normally calm and quiet unless they were tending to one of Kefira's antics. However, the family never seemed fully bothered to deal with the child. The majority of the time, they seemed quite entertained by the girl and among them was Neville.

At home, Augusta hardly saw Neville smile much unless he was reading a letter from his friends, or doing something that involved Kefira. He was such a shy boy, always so quiet and reserved as a child, he was the complete opposite of what Frank had been as a boy. That was the hardest part for Augusta, while Neville resembled much of his mother appearance wise, there were times where Augusta was able to catch a glimpse of her son in Neville. The way sometimes Neville would finally speak up for himself at certain times, his laugh and it all came about since the boy became friends with the loud red head.

She was able to see him open up a little more everyday, and more characteristics of his parents were shining through. She still held her reservations about the girl because while she wasn't as bigoted as the rest of the pureblooded families, there was always that slight hesitation in the back of her mind.

She had been raised very similar to believe that blood purity played a very important role in life. When Frank brought Alice home, Augusta would shame herself years later, knowing the first question on her mind was whether or not the girl was a pureblood or not.

Fortunately, her mind was settled at ease as Alice was in fact a pureblooded witch. But Kefira was a muggle-born. Augusta was raised in a family where they were accepting of muggle-borns and such, but only as friends and acquaintances. Anything further, was frowned upon.

But muggle-born or not, her grandson didn't seem to care at all, and while the entire family of purebloods couldn't get Neville to come out of his shell, the little muggle-born had been able to do so in a short time frame. 

Perhaps the loud little lion wasn't so bad after all.

"Hey Nevs, check it out!" Augusta glanced over her shoulder to see Kefira making a silly face at Neville, causing the boy to clap his hand over his mouth to hide his giggling.

The older woman gave a slight eye roll and continued on to the platform to drop the two off. She had agreed to bring Kefira to the train station that morning as her parents had been more than kind enough to allow Neville to join them for their summer holiday to South Africa.

She was pleased that Neville had been away for the summer as she knew the boy was going to try and pester her into bringing him to the World Quidditch Cup but after the recent events that had taken place after the match, she was more than glad that the two children hadn't gone. With the Dark Mark being cast into the sky at the grounds, Augusta wasn't sure what was going on, but she certainly didn't like it either.

"You two be careful this year," She told them in a stern tone as they reached the platform. "Do you understand?"

Neville nodded quickly but Kefira didn't respond until the old woman gave her a look.

"You got it!" She said giving a thumbs up.

"This is a very important year." Augusta continued until Kefira cut her off.

"Everyone keeps saying that, but why won't anyone say anything about it?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Augusta requested to have a word with Neville as Kefira left to drop her trunk off.

Kefira spotted Faye in the distance and went to greet her when she saw the girl link hands with a boy and walk off.

"Hmmph,' Kefira said with a baffle expression. It seemed Faye's interest had suddenly gone completely to boys as Kefira hardly saw her around without one by the girl's side. It seemed since second year that Faye had gone a little boy crazy and Kefira wasn't sure what to do about it.

She knew there wasn't much she could do about it, it was Faye's life and choices, but Kefira certainly wished the girl would come back to spend time with the group. With a shrug of her shoulders, Kefira continued back to where Augusta was sending Neville off with a pat on his back.

"She's not one much for affection, is she?" Kefira said with a teasing smile to the boy.

Neville grinned. "She has her own way of showing it, that's for sure." Kefira waved to Neville's grandmother before the two boarded the train, in search of Dean and Seamus as their priority.

"I'm excited to see Trevor." Neville admitted to her. "I feel like I haven't seen him ages. I hope he had a nice summer."

Kefira laughed. "I toadally bet he did, Nevs. Maybe he found himself a nice lady toad...or a man toad...depending on which side of the pond that he sits on. If you catch my drift..." She nudged his side with her elbow.

Neville gave her a blank stare until he caught on to what she was saying.

"Do toads actually...actually do that?" Neville asked her.

Kefira shrugged. "I dunno, I'm sure it's possible though. I mean, if humans do it, why not right? Aww how cute would Trevor be with a cute little male toad. That's it, I've already planned the wedding in my head."


"They can get married along with Dean and Seamus."

Neville came to a halt as he turned to look at her with wide eyes. 


"Oh come on, Nevs, don't act like you don't see it..." Kefira said with a shake of her head.

"But they're just really good friends." Neville pointed out to her.

"For now." She winked at him. "For now."

"I'm not going to be able to gt that out of my head now." Neville sighed. "Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome!"

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