Chapter One Hundred Fifty Eight

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Since the Yule Ball, it seemed the majority of people appeared to be in good spirits, Neville and Kefira included. It was pretty obvious to everyone around them that was a special bond between the two that no matter who showed up in their lives, it wasn't meant to be broken. Neville was growing confident every day, while he didn't believe that he was the perfect person for Kefira it gave him a goal to work towards. If he could work on him and become a person he admired, he would believe that he was good enough for Kefira. But he was glad to know that Kefira accepted him for who he was no matter what.

She had long accepted him back when he was the boy who couldn't even get one sentence out without stammering and stuttering horribly. Each day, he figured if he stepped out of his comfort zone just a little more then he would wouldn't have a problem with it later on down the road. 

It also seemed that Kefira was making strides to better herself as well. She didn't have to worry about being brave or adventurous, but she was learning how to react better when it came to situations that she didn't always agree with it. She didn't fight the professors as much and it seemed she was branching out when it came to making friends. 

Early on, she didn't really get along with Hermione, especially after Hermione had jinxed Neville back in first year to keep him from ratting them out that one night. A lot of the time, Hermione had the know-it-all attitude. Always raising her hand in class before anyone could think of doing so or blurting out the answer, not giving anyone the chance to shine half the time. In a way, Kefira didn't like Hermione so much in the beginning because Hermione made Kefira feel stupid.

They were both muggle-born witches and yet, Hermione excelled in their classes more than Kefira could ever hope of doing. It just took Kefira to learn that while Hermione was naturally gifted in intelligence, the girl also did work hard. She spent long hours reading at night or normally could be found in the library researching something. There was a reason why she knew almost everything because she was always seeking the answers. 

Now that Kefira wasn't jumping to conclusions as much and giving people a chance to make a better impression, she realized that she was missing out on talking to a lot of cool people. She was making amends with people, but there was one person that continued to pester her at the back of her head. 

Professor Snape wasn't looking so good since the Yule Ball, for some reason the man appeared even more irritable in class, but Kefira could sense there was something behind it. He looked tired and just overall miserable. The things that he had said over the years to all the students, including herself were horrible and not something that Kefira was going to get over easily. However, she did hold quite a bit of concern for the man. She thought about going to Professor Dumbledore and raising her concerns, believing that Professor Snape was sick in some way. Perhaps he was just too stubborn to admit it. 

However, she had to assume that Professor Dumbledore was a busy man, especially with the visitors at the school. She decided to take it upon herself to approach the professor after Potions one afternoon. Seamus, Dean, and Neville warned the girl against it, believing she had developed some sort of death wish all of a sudden. She had gone quite sometime ignoring the man for the most part. Only to come out of the blue and appear worried over him. 

Kefira insisted, though, telling the boys that she would catch up and meet up with them in the common room. She made her way over to the professor that was seated at his desk, going through one of his drawers in search of something. He was grumbling about someone going breaking into his office, of course, while mentioning Harry's name. He didn't seem to notice that she was standing before his desk until she cleared her throat loudly.

Quickly, the man glanced up and looked over in her direction.

"What are you still doing here, Ms. Walsh?" He asked, his tone cold and his gaze harsh. Kefira swallowed before taking a deep breath and looking the man in the eye.

"I just wanted to make sure that you're alright," She told him. "And before you tell me that you're fine and to mind my own business, I just wanted to let you know that I'm concerned about you, Professor Snape. No offense, but you aren't looking so good as of late. I was just thinking that if you're sick, maybe you should talk to someone like Madam Pomfrey or something."

The man didn't say anything right away, in fact, he looked incredibly confused by her assumption that he was sick. 

"Why would think I am sick-"

"Well, I was thinking back to the Yule Ball, you didn't look so good and you looked like you were in a hurry to get out of there. I guess, that could also be due to the fact that I don't think you're much of a party-goer, Professor. know, I just wanted to make sure that you're okay."

"I am not sick," he said in a stern tone but said nothing else, leaving Kefira to stand awkwardly before his desk. 

Kefira was hoping that he would say something along the lines of an apology but Professor Snape remained quiet, looking away from her. She could take a hint as she straightened her robes and went to leave. But before she did, she caught sight of one of the drawers opened at his desk, inside was the joke she had given to a long time ago.

A smile appeared on her face just as he looked up to dismiss her.

"I'm going! I'm going!" She said with a chuckle. "Goodbye, Professor Snape."

The Professor was incredibly confused as the girl began whistling down the corridors of the dungeon as she left the classroom.

For a man that claimed that he didn't appreciate the jokes in the book and appeared as though he didn't have a sense of humor, he was certainly holding onto that book for some reason. Kefira was content believing that the book brought him some sort of joy, even if he didn't want other people to know.

She had to imagine that he probably had some sort of weird laugh and that's why he refused to laugh in front of people. 

It was much more comforting to think that instead of thinking the man was so miserable that he probably hadn't laughed in years.

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