Only One in My Heart ~Sungjoo~

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(Y/N)'s POV

"(Y/N), come over here!" My friend, Gahee yelled. I ran over as fast as I could to make it just in time. I stopped as I heard music. I moved people aside as I saw my boyfriend in a fight. I gasped as all I could do was just watch him throw punches. Even with yelling I knew that nothing was going to happen. I just stood there until he noticed me. He stopped and stared. He then got a hard punch to the face.

"What are you guys doing here! Get back to class! You two get over here!" The assistant principal yelled. Sungjoo looked at me and I just walked off. I didn't look back either. This was the last straw. I was done telling him to stop fighting.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Gahee asked as she caught up to me. I just sat in my seat and let out a sigh.

"I'm done," was all I said. She looked shocked as I rested my head on my desk. "I don't want to be with him anymore."

I walked home alone that day. I wasn't stopping or anything for that no-good boyfriend. I walked faster as I heard his footstep travel behind. "(Y/N), wait!" Sungjoo yelled at me. I didn't stop which made him run after me. "(Y/N)-"

"I'm done, Sungjoo!" I yelled. "I kept telling you to stop fighting other people."


"My parents already don't like you," I said in an angered tone. "And now I can see why." I walked off leaving him behind. I was seriously done.

I closed the gate to my house and turned around to find Sungjoo standing there with new band aids hiding his scars. I tried going around him only to be stopped by his hand grabbing my arm. "What do you want?" I growled. I didn't look at him at all.

"(Y/N)... Please, I'm sorry. I'll be a better boyfriend, I promise," Sungjoo pleaded. I just scoffed.

"How many times have you said that?" I retorted as I pulled his hand off my arm. "I told you we're done."

"But I didn't agree," Sungjoo said in a sad tone. "I really didn't mean it. He was just... (Y/N), please."

"Sungjoo, I'm sorry. I just don't want to deal with this anymore," I said quietly. I didn't let him reply as I walked away.

The rest of the school day was the same, except eating without Sungjoo, hanging out with him at recess, but I was sure I would get over him. I sat in class with my hand holding up my head as I effortlessly doodled in my notebook. "Everyone, here's our new student, Jung Ilhoon. Please introduce yourself."

"Hello, I'm Jung Ilhoon, please take good care of me," the guy said. I lifted my head to get a good view of him. His hair was dyed blonde and he had his ears pierced. He was pretty good looking.

"You'll be sitting in that empty seat next to (Y/N)," the teacher said. I then snapped out of it and blinked for a moment. I looked over next to me and there sat an empty seat. I gulped as he just let a small smile greet me. I just bowed and let out a nervous smile. What was wrong with me?

"I'm (Y/N)," I said.

"You already know my name," Ilhoon said. "I said it earlier." I just nodded as class went back to normal.

Sungjoo's POV

"Wait, so she broke up with you?" Seungyeon asked. I just let out a frustrated sigh and let my head hang low. I ruffled my hair.

"Hey, I heard they have a transfer student. It's a guy," Wenhan said. I lifted my head immediately. Wenhan just looked at me. "His name is Ilhoon. Oh, he sits next to (Y/N)..." Wenhan trailed off. He then tilted his head, "Why does that name seem familiar?" I lightly slapped his head.

"That's my girlfriend," I said.

"Make that ex," Yibo said. I raised my hand at him and he flinched. "Hey! I'm just telling the truth!" I dropped my hand and just turned around to my desk. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the classroom.

"Yah, where are you going?!" Yixuan yelled.
"Somewhere," I whispered.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was free time and Ilhoon and I were walking around the basketball court. I just put my arms behind my back nervously. I lightly bit my lip as Ilhoon looked around and then back at me. "What do you like to do?" Ilhoon asked. I looked up at him.

"Well, I play the piano," I said.

"Really?! I play the piano too. I want to become a producer," Ilhoon said nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think that's amazing. You have a dream." I just smiled at him. "I hope you fulfill that dream." He just smiled back.

"Thanks." We kept walking around and it felt different from when I walked around with Sungjoo. This one made my heart race for some reason. I had no clue why. "Watch out!" The only thing I knew that happened was Ilhoon grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. I then noticed that a ball came and hit him. I gasped. He let go. "Are you hurt?" He looked around and I just let out a laugh. He started laughing too and we just couldn't stop.

I exited out of the school and started my walk home. The sky was getting pink and purple and I just smiled after what happened today. I didn't know, but I was feeling so flustered, until I thought about Sungjoo. I frowned a bit. I did miss him. Ilhoon was just a distraction, but what about when I'm home? What would be my distraction? I huffed out a breath as I walked home. Things would get better.

It had been months and I was getting ready for the dance. My parents were at my grandma's for the week, so I was alone. Ilhoon had asked me and I agreed even though my feelings for Sungjoo weren't fading still and it was already more than halfway through the year. I put on my red lipstick and looked at myself in my mirror. I smiled at how well I looked. A knock was on my door and I lifted my head to looked at the door. "Ilhoon?" The door opened and Sungjoo stood there with a band aid on his nose. I stood up immediately. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He didn't reply and just pushed me against the wall. I let out a small gasp.

"Don't tell me you like him," he said. He put lifted his arm and slammed it against the wall right next to me. "Damn it, (Y/N)! Tell me you don't like him!"

"Sungjoo..." My voice trailed off.

"I miss you, (Y/N), I really do," Sungjoo cried. He rested his head on my shoulder, his arms on either side of my head. "Come back to me. I'll be better. I won't get into more fights. I'll be the man your parents and you want me to be. I promise." I then pushed him off of me. He looked at me with wide eyes. His soft brown eyes with tears in them. I tip toed to touch his face. I wiped his tears away.

"You jerk," I whispered to him as I pulled him into a hug. He just hugged me back tightly. "You're the only one in my heart." He then broke the hug and kissed me on the lips. I didn't fight back and just kissed back. He rested his head against mine and just let out a smile. I just laughed as my lipstick stained his lips.

"I think you're going to have to cancel that date," Sungjoo said. I just let out a laugh.

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