A Gift of a friend ❤ -Tiffany-

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"Why did you think he asked me?! Fany this is amazing!" (Y/N)

"I know! I'm going to tell Nickhun!" Tiffany took out her phone and dialed the number.

A boy walks up and bows.

"Hey (Y/N), Tiffany. I'm going to steal (Y/N) for the day."

"Uh of course! (Y/N), we'll meet a different time...Ji Hoon, or your BF is here....Bye!" Tiffany walked away.

This doesn't feel right...Tiffany thought, as she looked back at her friend.

"So Jagi, what do you want to do?" Ji Hoon asked.

"hmm, I want ice cream!" (Y/N)

"Arresso! let's go!" Ji Hoon hugged (Y/N)'s waist.

-after the date-

"Bye Oppa~" (Y/N) cooed hugging Ji Hoon.

"Bye Love..." He responded.

Ji Hoon bent his head down and kissed her. (Y/N) was taken by surprise but deepened the kiss. After a few seconds they let go...

-(Y/N) POV.-

That kiss was amazing! But it felt empty. There were no sparks or anything. Maybe that's because...I'm not ready...or maybe I'm just not right for him.

"Umma! I'm home! Umma?"

hmm maybe she isn't here? That's weird. I'll check her room.



"Umma! How come you didn't answer me before?"

"I just woke up...I got a call earlier...from Tiffany...she's concerned...for you dear."


"Ji Hoon, is he nice?"

"Nae Umma...but when we kissed...it felt empty..."

"Ah~ I guess Tiffany was telling the truth..."

"What did she say? did she say that Ji Hoon is cheating?! omo Umma I don't believe her!"

" (Y/N), please...dont-"

"Umma! How could you side with her?! She's just jelly!"

"(Y/N)! please calm down...please!"

Ugh, I'm done with this!

"I'm going to be in my room!"

Can't believe her! Tiffany?! oh gosh she just needs to chill!

-Next Day No POV.-

"(Y/N)! Over here!" Tiffany shout as she spotted her friend.

(Y/N) walked in the other way.

Bwo? Is she okay? Did I do something? Tiffany thought to herself.

"(Y/N)! I'm over here!" Tiffany shouted again.

(Y/N) was now too far down the company hall. (Y/N), her blood boiled in anger, she still couldn't believe...

(Y/N) walked out of the doors. Tiffany followed her.

"(Y/N), I know you're mad but please hear me out-"

"You know what hurts! it hurts when you best friend turns my umma against me! All because she is jealous of me and Ji Hoon!" (Y/N) shouted towards Tiffany.

Tiffany jumped in surprise.

"(Y/N), he's really cheating on you please just hear me out...he's probably at that cafe with Chaerin, that girl from your dance class." Tiffany assured her.

"Ugh! Just stop! he isn't cheating on me and Chaerin is too nice for that!" (Y/N) retorted as she clutched her white knuckled fists.

She walked towards the cafe she worked at. She smiled as she saw Ji Hoon. She saw him smile and wave forwards her. She walked closer, then she saw another woman...a familiar girl...she walked even closer...Chaerin?!

Ji Hoon stood up and hugged her...and then...(Y/N) saw the impossible truth. She saw their intimate touch. Each touch she took a step back...

"How could you... Why..." She whispered...

"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Ji Hoon looked surprised.

"No...go away!" (Y/N) Whispered harshly. She ran out to the street...she bawled in the middle of the street...

I can't believe him! Why?! I have to apologize to Tiffany... She thought frantically.

She turned to see Tiffany waving her hands at her.

"(Y/N)!! LOOK OUT! PLEASE MOVE!" She heard Tiffany shout as Tiffany ran towards her.


(Y/N) opened her eyes to see blood...

No~ I can't be... (Y/N) thought to herself.

She looked around...

NO!!!! She quickly got up and ran over to Tiffany.

"Tiffany! Wake up! Please!"


Hey guys! Well my first female roleplay Oneshot...hehe hope you like it! also...Snsd! MrMr! My bias is Jessica! But Tiffany is the best person for this role! Well thanks for reading!


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