Come True! ❤❤ ~Hansol~

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Hana POV.

*thumbs up* *look as at the camera*


Annyo! I'm Hana! Leader of Vibe! I am told to be the Ice Bubble Princess. I'm cold but I'm the most bubbliest. The question on my Twitter question of, "What is the rumor that you guys would like to know the truth of?" and you guys responded, "Are you dating Hansol? And if so, please tell us how you guys dated from the very beginning!" that was from H&H_shipper_26358, Gabbi_Hansol, and Tiffanypop_764.  We'll to be honest, I wanted to bring this subject up sooner! But I had to ask the company and Hansol if it was alright. And now here I am telling you.

My group and I,

We all made it into pledis entertainment. ...we met Seventeen, Hello Venus, Nu'est After School, Dambi....and Kahi.....we went to an international high school (A/N: if there is such thing....)

Anyways, we went to visit the Nu'est sunbaes and Seventeen sunbaes were there.... and Chan ran up to me and said "Noona, come meet the other seventeen members!!!"

Lene was then like......

"What happened to me?"

Chan then said holding my arm saying....

"ur not noona tats wat happend!!"

And stuck his tongue out.....and them had their lil fight while Faith and Soul went to talk to Mingyu Doyoon and Jihoon oppas..... (psh...oppas)

And Ming Ming oppa came and grab me and said,

"Mei Mei shall meet my fellow people"

then he swung me into hansol and we fell.....We both apologized in sync....we both got up and I bowed and said

"Annyo Hana....leader inmida!"

Then sungwan was like

"hansol shes cute" I walked away to break the fight between Lene and Chan

Then Lene accidentally hit my face cuCause she swung her arms

Then I fell to the ground again

Junhui then helped me up and Chan and Lene apologized in sync the Wonwoo was like get married you two!!!

Then jisoo then said "Won plus Won first!"

Then we all just laughed

Ren came inside and asked what happened and we were like nothing

Then we were suppose to pick partners for a project

So baekho paires us up and so he put Lene together with Chan and rachel n him were like....

"wait wa!?! WAE?!"

Faith was paired up with Doyoon and they were like


We stared at them then they both blushed...

Then Soul was supposed to be paired with Mingyu but Minhyun was like too much height difference.

"That's his Fault!! stupid tall people!" Soul shouted embarrassed.

Then I was paired with Hansol.....*of course*

then Chan raises his hand...

"wat channie?"

Chan then said "Noona and Hyung r too Hyung isn't cool...they don't match...."

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