Miss Invisible ~Shownu~

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Her long chestnut brown hair swung in the wind as she walked inside the school. She waved to everyone who acknowledged her. She greet all her friends, with a smile. Brightly and lightly she walked to class. She rarely said any word after she took her seat. She sat and listened to everything around her. Girls gossiping about boys, boy bands, the latest rumors. Boys talking about girls, sports, and the newest gossips. She knew everyone way too well. She watched as they all spoke to one another. She distinguished every voice, every action, every word that was spoken upon acknowledgement. As the bell rang, everyone got seated as the day started. This was her. This was her everyday upon school. She was no upon the weekends either. She always gave a smile, gave everyone acknowledgement, and gave everyone a kind gesture. From the girls we know, she is found uncommon. Not very common of a teenage girl. Never speaking more than a few sentences. Never spoke unless spoken to. Never gave an opinion, nor exposed of her deep thoughts, or her life outside of the school, but person changed that all.

"Chaeyeon-ah!" "It's Chaeyeon!" "Yah! Chaeyeon!"

"Annyeongsayo, sunbae-deul," She replied with a kind smile, bowing upon respect.

"Yah, we've been friends for three years now. Be formal." One of the boys smiling cheeky at the girl. He was tall and broad shouldered. Dark brown hair.

"I see. Mianhaeyo, Jooheon-sshi."

"Call us oppa. Come on, girl. You can at least do that much right?" Another asked. He had strong build, sharp features. Light brown hair, darker at the scalp. Wonho

"Aniya, I don't think that would be right," Chaeyeon shied away.

"Hey, if we say that its okay, then it's fine," this sunbae of hers was had a smaller build, smiling cheek dimples Reddish brown hair. Kihyun.

"Oh. Arresseo." She held up an okay sign.

Her shoulders got heavy as she looked to the left of her.

"Hey, so what am I tutoring today?"

Chaeyeon moved the arm.

"Hyunwoo, I am not comfortable with that," Chaeyeon responded.

"Well, at least answer my question?" Hyunwoo asked.

"How about-"

"Oh my gosh! Lemme tell you all something!" A girl intervened.

"What's up, Taemi?"

"Oh my gosh, so Mr. Jung made me become partners with Jinhyung. Therefore, I have to do twice the work I have now. And my mom is telling me that I have dance tonight! And I have to work!" Taemi complained.

As they all conversed with one another, Chaeyeon kept quiet, as she ate. Ignoring the conversation.

'It's the same thing over and over. At least she's lucky to have dance practice...'

"Chaeyeon, do you want to see our new dance routine at dance?! It's the new double we are learning!" Taemi explained, smirking.

"Yeah, why not." Chaeyeon responded, faking the enthusiasm.

The lunch and free time went on with complaining and whining from Taemi as the boys gave feed back. Chaeyeon just kept silent. She rather stay out of what ever Taemi was talking about, knowing that it doesn't apply to her.

School was now over. Everyone started for their homes. Chaeyeon was already changed into casual attire other than her own uniform. Chaeyeon walked outside through the back where no one really went to. She headed to a smaller building at the school. It was unused unless the film club needed it. Chaeyeon went there everyday because there was one place she loved most other than her home. She walked through the halls and passed windows and walled up stair cases all the way to the top. She walked out upon the roof top. The roof was unseen, walls painted with street art, and it was the perfect place to let it all go. Hooking up music, she let it take control of her. Everything she ever wanted to express. The stress, the anxiety, and the worthlessness she felt.  She smoothly transitioned from each motion, the music was drenched upon her. As the the music came to an end, clapping was heard. She quickly turned.

"That was really good."

"I- well- I guess..." Her voice trailed off.

"That dance. Why do you feel that way?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your dance. It expresses that you seem oppressed. Why?"

"I..." She quickly looked away turning around, looking down at the smooth concrete ground.

"Chaeyeon, are you okay?"

There was no response.


"It's the only way I get to express my opinion. I feel like everyday is the same thing. And I never get to speak my mind. You and the others are rich, with parents, able to come home with food on the table. Taemi not even realizing how grateful she should be because she has it all. She has it... She never seems satisfied. I don't get it. I would die if I ever got the chance to get to live with my parents again."

"Chaeyeon... Why didnt you tell us?"

"Hyunwoo Sunbae... I tried. It's okay when you all speak, but when I do... It's assumed that I am just being bitchy too. Dancing is the best way to express that."

"Why don't you like Taemi? You guys have been friends for two years now."

Chaeyeon whipped her body around to face him.

"Because she's taken everyone from me. Wonho, Kihyun, Jooheon, Minhyuk, Hyungwon, Chang Kyun, and... You..."

Chaeyeon looked away.

"Chaeyeon, she's never taken me-"

"Save it,"Chaeyeon held her hand up. Tear brimmed upon her eyes. She looked away, not wanting him to see.

She was about to grab her things until the music turned on. She stopped and turned around. Hyunwoo walked up and held out his hand, waiting for her to accept it. She hesitated. Not knowing what to do for a second. She place her hand into his. He pulled her towards him. He held her close. He moved to the notes the played through the speaker. She collaborated slightly making a few movement to compliment his. They watched one another. Responding in cohesion. The music came to a close, as Hyunwoo held her closer than before, forehead touching.

"She will never take my eyes off of the one who has my heart," Hyunwoo stated before laying his lips upon hers.

Once they pulled apart, Chaeyeon and Hyunwoo smiled.

"Since when?"

"Exactly 3 years ago from today, when I first saw you dance."

"What about Taemi? I don't want to-"

Chaeyeon was interrupted by his lips once again. He pulled away smiling.

"Chaeyeon, let's be selfish for once. You are mine."

Chaeyeon smiled back.

'I'll be selfish because, Hyunwoo sunbae, you are the only thing thats healed my heart from breaking."

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