I.P.U ~Jun (U-Kiss/UNB)

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Jun walked through the halls with his friends. All of the girls swooning over them. Jun grows annoyed.

"They are so annoying," he grits his teeth.

"Well, it takes power to have a girlfriend and still get girls to swoon," Euijin responds with a smile while waving to some friends.

"Whatever man," Jun says before smiling upon seeing Y/N.

"Wow, a girl can change a man," Hansol states.

"Yeah. Really," Feeldog adds.

"Hi, guys!" Yuci walks up.

"Hey, Yuci."

"Hi, Noona!"

"Hey, short stuff!"

"Do you know where Y/N is?" She asks.

"Uh, pretty sure she's with Jun," Daewon answers.

"Oh. Nice. Great," Yuci sighs.

"Why?" Hojung asks.

"Jun and I have a project to finish before the end of the day, but now that they are together I have to do it myself," Yuci says quickly as she feels the stares.

The guys nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to go now. I'm not ready to die from your stupid fan girls," Yuci states.

"I'm a ladies man, what can we say?" Marco responds.

"Wait until I tell Dani," Yuci laughs as she walks off.

"No! Wait, Yuci don't."

Marco runs behind Yuci, begging her to not tell.

"He's definitely not gonna get a date now," Chan states.

The rest agree, as they walk to their classes.

Jun and Y/N walk into the classroom together.

"Jun, what are you doing today?" She asks.

"Nothing, I believe."

They both sit. Yuci walks in.

"Wait for a second, Y/N," Jun says.

She nods, and he walks to Yuci.

"Yuci, I'm sorry but-"

"Go ahead. I'll work on it. Don't fret," Yuci answers without Jun finishing.

"Thanks. You're the best," Jun smiles and walks back to his seat.

"What was it?" Y/N asks.

"Just making sure she had our project," Jun responds.

The teacher walks in.

"Gym day! Everyone go change!" The teacher orders.

Walking to the locker rooms to change. Y/N and Yuci talk.

"Yuci, have you ever thought about getting a boyfriend? Just wondering," Y/N asks.

"Well, no actually. A good lot of the guys in this school are crazy. It's already crazy that we are in a class with the 9 popular guys. To add to that, you are dating Jun," Yuci answers smiling.

"You should try to talk to Hojung. He's very nice," Y/N responds.

Yuci blushes but it goes unnoticed.

"No, he is talking to someone already. Besides, guys like them only like girls that are as pretty as you," Yuci flatters.

"Don't say that! You are gorgeous!" Y/N retorts.

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