5 - I'm Nobody! Who Are You? (4/20/2019 Edit)

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Video: Placebo- Running Up That Hill

Hey guys! The next 6 chapters are going to seem really short because they are. There is a reason for it though. Each chapter is from a different characters POV. I wanted to make it absolutely clear to the reader. I don't want people saying I'm head hopping or have the reader get confused. Hope this doesn't turn readers off. This is the only part that is set up like this so all the other parts are of normal length. Hope you enjoy my story!  



Hello again


Eden stared at the ceiling, emotionless and empty. The white curtain that had shielded her from the world was pulled back along its oval track.

"She's ready when you are." The nurse yanked the curtains closed, shutting out the natural light from the window.

Hamlin barely noticed the others moving around him. His gaze stayed on the girl.

Eden Burrows was unrecognizable. Her hair had been chopped into an old-fashioned bob. The soft brown waves, now clean, framed her face, like a 1920's Hollywood actress that Hamlin couldn't remember the name of. Racking his memory, he squinted until it finally came to him. Yes, with her pale skin, roundish face and large eyes, she was just like a young Bessie Love.

Peeking out from underneath her hair was a yellowing bruise the size of his fist. It covered the majority of her left cheek and nestled at the center was an ugly, yet healing, scrape. The wound looked as though someone vigorously took sandpaper to her skin. The thought sent a chill through him. He couldn't imagine what other sorts of hell she'd been put through.

The tight ball of nerves that had built in his stomach over the last month eased slightly. At least she was safe now.

The nurse pressed a button on a small remote and the head of the bed slowly rose. Eden faced them now, but she wasn't aware of their presence, or so Hamlin thought. Her eyes were vacant, unblinking, staring at the wall behind them.

She'd been dressed in a baggy grey top that hid the shape of her form. Blankets were gathered around her hips, covering the lower half of her body.

Hamlin's gaze drifted to the misshapen lumps that remained of her feet and fought against an overwhelming sense of despair. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Maybe he wasn't ready for this meeting after all.

There was movement at his side. Officer Jones slipped her hand around his, holding it. "You okay?" she whispered.

Hamlin nodded his response. But he wasn't okay.

None of this is okay! He wanted to shout into the void. And I don't think it ever will be, at least not for Eden Burrows.

Despite Eden's trauma, Hamlin forced himself to admit that she seemed healthy or, at the very least, was on the road to being better.

Eden was alive. That's all that mattered, right? Sure, her quality of life went down the shitter along with her toes, fingers, hair, and all her other emotional and physical scars, but she's alive. That should count for something. Only it didn't make him feel better. It made him feel worse.

Hamlin knew if the roles were reversed that he'd be better off dead. Do you think you'd be better off dead?

Three chairs were stationed at the end of Eden's bed, and blocking the narrow walkway were Barbra's long legs. Jones wedged her petite frame past Barbra's legs and tumbled into the chair on the other side nearest the window.

"Do you remember me?" Hamlin took his chance.

Barbra sucked in a sharp breath at his inability to follow simple directions.

Hamlin didn't care. He needed to know if Eden remembered him.

Words: 744

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

The Hilstead Experiment: 1986 - Three prisoners escape an experiment involving human subjects.

The Hilstead Experiment: Adrift - Ten strangers board a plane that crashes into the ocean, turning their promised paradise vacation into a deadly experiment of survival.

The Carriers - Tainted meat turns a small farming town into a parasitic zombie war zone only a vegetarian can handle.

In The Pines- Annabel Lee enters into the highest rated gameshow of the afterlife to win a second chance at life.

And if you're looking for writing advice check out my story Year of the Author.

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