6 - Little Truths (7/18/18 update)

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Video: Disposable Teens by Marilyn Manson

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that edits for Breaking Eden are going well. Readers wanted longer chapters so this chapter went from almost 1,000-ish words to over 2,700 and is packed full of new content. So give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter five update coming soon...


6 - Little Truths

                Eden's headed towards the center of the stage. Her heels clicked over the polished wood floor. All eyes were on her. She felt their gazes tracking her movements, so she paid extra care to the way she walked and held herself. Perhaps they were wondering what was about to happen with her performance.

                She struggled for a moment to open the folding chair down, set it down in front of her and turned to the audience with a widening grin.

                "Good evening ladies and gentlemen!" Eden squinted against the blinding spotlight and shielded her eyes with her hand, trying to get a better view of the crowd.

                There was a flutter of applause then silence once more.

                Their silence wasn't the reaction Eden was hoping for; it was actually the complete opposite. She wanted them perched on the edges of their seats, dying to know what would happen next. 

                "I seem to have run into a bit of a dilemma and was wondering if one of you kind gentlemen could solve it?" Eden asked shyly, playing it up perfectly. There was a flicker of interest. "You see, I'm going to need a volunteer. Is there anyone willing to help a lady out?" She frantically scanned the room for the smug face of Declan Payne, but he was nowhere to be seen.

                You've got to be fucking kidding me! She wanted to stamp her foot in frustration like a child but somehow managed to keep temper in check.  

                Hands shot up in the air within moments of her request; the withering limbs were scattered throughout the room. But no matter how hard she searched those raised hands she couldn't spot the face she was looking.

                Where are you hiding? The idea of a backup plan or person never crossed Eden's mind, and now she was paying for it. She had assumed since this was his gathering he would be available when needed. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

                Any volunteer would work for this number but deep down she wanted him, and only him, to be called forward. She needed to get him all hot and bothered then up and walk away; needed to make him feel the same humiliation she felt the night they first met. It was only fair.

                Hot and angry tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. Was this Declan's plan all along? Disappear when she got on stage? She scanned the audience once more, thinking she'd missed him. 

                "Where oh where has our gracious host gone?" Eden laughed off her heavy feelings and played this error in judgment up for the crowd. "Declan? Where have you run off to?"

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