3 - Rewards and Punishment (9/8/2018 New Chapter)

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Video: Silence by Delerium ft. Sara Mclachan

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter four update coming soon...



3 – Rewards and Punishments

Fresh from the bath, Eden pulled the pajama top that Matilda had laid out for her over her head and tugged it down. The plaid fabric flooded her small frame and pooled around her knees. Other than that she wore nothing, was left naked and exposed, which was something she usually liked. But in this situation she loathed it.

Eden was afraid of what Declan had planned for her next. His threat of having every man in the house fuck her was echoing in her mind like a blaring siren, reminding her of what could come her way. She had to ready herself, both mentally and physically.

Would he seriously go through with that though? She didn't know and didn't necessarily want to find out. Either way, she needed to prepare herself for whatever outcome he chose.

Eden paced the room, ignoring the pain in her feet and thought of a new way out, a move that would become a successful escape. If she could make it safely to the ground, Eden could run or, at the very least, hobble her way towards the gate. All she had to do was face the vines with the acidic sap, and she'd be scot-free.

The guard station! Eden dashed across the room.

She stalked the bank of windows, trying to spot the faint lights of the guard's station near the front gate. There must be a panel of controls in that room. Surely there was a button to open the gate; possibly there were a whole bunch of buttons that controlled this entire fucking show. She searched the darkness, moving from window to window.

There it was.

If she stood on her tiptoes and squinted, she could spot a faint glow in the far distance.

She pried open the window and immediately her dreams her dashed. With no section of roof to climb out on it was a straight drop, one that would inevitably break at least one of her legs, if not both of them, leaving her a crippled mess.

Damn it! Pain shot up her arm when the side of her injured hand hit the windowsill. Shit balls! Mother fucker! She wanted to shout these words out loud, wanted to cry out her frustration. To do something, anything really, other than suffer the feeling of her hopes of escaping dwindle away right before her eyes.

The bathroom was her only hope. She trudged back to the broken window to inspect the plywood covering it. Nails secured the board in place, and there was no way she could pry it off with just her fingers. If anything, she'd end up ripping her nails off in the process.

There has to be a way out of this mess. Eden leaned her forehead against the cool wood. Think of something.

                  Without a protective bathroom door with a reliable lock to hide behind or window to crawl out of, the room was no longer safe or of any use to her. Any kind of escape was non-existent at this point. Her gaze landed on the balled up rag balancing on the edge of the empty iron clawed tub. The muscles in her legs clenched at the thought of Declan's hand roaming every inch of her body.

Breaking Eden - (rough draft)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें